Format without negative

What did you mean by this?

with my original model…

with a negative sign so [=TN('{CALCULATION TOTAL}')*-1000]

So your original template was?

<J00>24SCONTO %
<J00>111[=TN('{CALCULATION TOTAL}')*1000]-1

-- Default format for orders

Hmm odd. Why was services not acceptable?

Ok I see now I was testing in V5 and v5 it works. So aparently its v4 specific let me see if I can find another solution.

Ok solution is this:

[=TN('{CALCULATION TOTAL}') * -1000]

Notice the space before and after *

great, now it works! thanks kendash
talk of v5, is already out?

Not yet but soon. Still testing it.

which is new compared to v4?

Its a major new version the feature additions are too large to list in one thread. You will like it though I promise!