In the Custom Reports Module we have a tag {ACCOUNT TRANSACTION DETAILS:X}.

This give an output in the form of a date, a description and and amount, hence the normal rules of formatting do not work. Is there any specific rules for formatting the output of this tag - my main requirement at present to get the monetary portion into an #,### format i.e. get rid of the numbers after the decimal point?

[Edit] In case anybody has the same issue I eventually resolved it via and SQL script as follows

SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), [Date], 3), SUBSTRING([Name],4,LEN([Name])-4), FORMAT([Debit],’#,###’)
FROM [AccountTransactionValues]
WHERE [AccountTransactionTypeId] = 12 AND [Debit]>0 AND [Date] > ‘{Start}’ AND [Date] < ‘{End}’

The [AccountTransactionTypeId] = 12 is specific to my setup so anybody wishing to use this will need to adjust this line to suit.

The output is as follows

There are also printer template tag formatting syntax.