Free Tagging not possible on GoTablet Menu


I have configured the Menu on the Go Tablet and the Order Tags feature is working on it.

However, the free tagging option is possible. I can see the ‘Free Tagging’ under the item but when i click on it, it doesnt show any input field to enter anything.


Typically go tablet is for customers to use. I dont think you want a customer to type whatever they want do you?

@Jesse it is true in many scenarios but when customer completes adding items and have a special request such as bring 4 glasses with the bottle of wine or add more spices to a dish,
Waiter should be able to add it without running all the way to the counter or looking for an android tab.

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Did you setup freetag in order tags?

Hi @Jesse,

you may have forgotten about this but yes freetags are setup and works on every other device except Go Tablet menu.

It may not be supported in GoTablet yet.