I have a department which Ticket Creation Methot is set to “Create Ticket”.
When I click on my button CC, it calls a script which does the payment.
Then Displays a message which shows me Ticket UID, ID and NO.
Since Ticket NO and ID are only attribued on Ticket Closing, it doesn’t have one(am I assuming right here?)
So I want tu use Ticket UID. So i store UID in a program setting.
The workflow is that the script of “Credit Card call” when it’s done is going to write the result of the payment process in a file. This file I check with file monitor device.
The File monitor device triggers fine and right, but the Load Last Ticket Action seems not to wrok correctly…
Credit Card call script can also return an error to the file which is monitored and then there is a message which appears that Payment is not done. ( ‘{CALL:test.test()}’ == ‘2’ )