Global Payments Integration


I see that Global Payments has been included as an integration and is a free addon like Payment Sense.

I have a customer that uses Global Payments and has asked how to add the integration.

I cant find anything in the KB or Forum about this one.

Is there are info please


It is only for USA right now. If you are in USA you can contact me.

Ahhhhh no we are in the UK Jesse.

I will probably lose this customer from Samba before it gets here as I know it takes time.

Global are offering really good rates here so a lot of people are moving to them.

He was the one I was looking at moving to a couple of mobile clients as well.

Always the case lol, Thanks for the quick reply.

We are working on that and other counties is being talked about but for now it is only in USA.

If you take the rates Global have offered you to Paymentsense, they will match them.

If you need a decent Paymentsense rep please drop me a DM and I will put you in touch with the guy we use. If your client is a Ltd Co they can integrate their Dojo product into Sambapos as well

Yes Paymentsense and Dojo is our solution for the UK.