I’ve made a tip calculator printed on bills from a script QMcKay gave me for my tax amount on my bills.
It is a great way to help promote tipping for our staff. Try it out if it suits your establishment.
<F>= <EB> <C00>Gratuity Calculator: <DB> <C00>10% Tip would be R[=F(TN('{TICKET TOTAL}') * 0.10)] <C00>15% Tip would be R[=F(TN('{TICKET TOTAL}') * 0.15)] <F>=
Now a question… if I wanted the tip calculator to only show a rounded figure to the nearest whole number…
[=F(TN('{TICKET TOTAL}') * 0.15)]
e.g R1,60 should be --> R2
and R2,40 should be --> R2
(for those inquisitive, R symbol stands for RANDS it’s the currency of South Africa. 15 Rand = 1 Euro)
Thanks QMcKay
August 23, 2016, 2:56pm
Try this?
[=Math.round(TN('{TICKET TOTAL}') * 0.15)]
1 Like
No sorry that left it blank
Try this
[=F(TN('{TICKET TOTAL}') * 0.15 +0.5, '0')]
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August 23, 2016, 4:10pm
Sorry, try again - I edited my post, should be lowercase ‘r’ on the “round”…
[=Math.round(TN('{TICKET TOTAL}') * 0.15)]
1 Like
Yes works beautifully !
[=Math.round(TN('{TICKET TOTAL}') * 0.15)]
Thank you, and to you too Sukasem for the effort
Hi guys
How did you make the TiP:_________ show on the ticket??
Add the line on the ticket template…
1 Like
Thanks For this code !!
But I Want to calculate only with the sub-total I am trying this code
<C00> 10% Tip would be $[=F(TN('{TICKET TOTAL}')-TN('{TAX TOTAL}') * 0.10)]
And I Don’t Know what calculate… Can you help me
I only want to Calculate the tip with the sub total !
May 2, 2019, 7:19am
Use PLAIN TOTAL in your calculation.
$[=F(TN('{PLAIN TOTAL}') * 0.10)]