Help with Large beer selection menu

I need some suggestions on how to layout this large beer menu.

Would like for it to not have to use pages.
I could set it up as pages 0 but that would make the items scroll and I am trying to avoid scrolling of items.
I have had to do cocktails like this and its working but not happy with that either.

Column count 4
Page count 2


What size screen is that on? Looks quite small?
This is my spirits page;

Although saying that this office machine has a bigger screen than tills, they are about like this as sized to fit;

Its a 1024x768 Elo touch screen, 15 inch.

OK, mine are 17" elos.
You could look at the ticket width option to widen the buttons section and also scale samba by 10-15%. I think the scalling on this same setup at the hotel with 15" elos I have scaled to arround 85/90% to give just that little extra width and height.

Not sure if suitable for the products, but you can also do multiple levels of sub category. Just add a comma separated list into the Sub Menu Tag field on the products.

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Never knew that… Was it definitely comma and not point/fullstop?

Ok I made some edits that I think I can live with.


It’s a comma…


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Nice, didn’t know that was possible.

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Yeah I think I found by accident once when I was trying something else. You know, that’s the SambaPOS way… :wink:

If you only have sub-sub categories does it default down into the first if nothing in main subcategory?
Ie if there was 1.1,1.2,2.1,2.2 would it default into 1.1 or whatever first product is rather than show empty main 1 category?

Yeah I believe so, it would be same as like when I click “Category 2” as that one only has sub sub categories

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