How can I get payment type of ticket via API

To get list items and entities we use this command:

{getTicket(id:1000) {id,uid,type,number,date,entities{name,type,id,typeId},orders{id,uid,name,quantity,price},states{state,stateName},totalAmount,remainingAmount}}

But we need know also how customer pay. If he pay cash or credit card.
Where can I read this information via API?

You mean in GraphQL right? You can get it via custom report and then fetch that report via GraphQL.

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right GraphQL. I will try via getCustomReport, thanks for tip

query q {getCustomReport(name:"TicketPayment",parameters:[{name:"TicketId",value:"64"}])
    tables {
      rows {

SambaPOS report
[Ticket Payments:2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]

>|TID|Cash|Credit|Online|PAY SUM

|{REPORT TICKET DETAILS:T.Id,T.TicketNumber:T.Id==$TicketId}|[=F(TN('{REPORT PAYMENT DETAILS:P.Amount.Sum:T.Id==$TicketId AND ((PT=Cash))}'),'0.00;(0.00);-')]|[=F(TN('{REPORT PAYMENT DETAILS:P.Amount.Sum:T.Id==$TicketId AND ((PT=Credit Card))}'),'0.00;(0.00);-')]|[=F(TN('{REPORT PAYMENT DETAILS:P.Amount.Sum:T.Id==$TicketId AND ((PT=Online))}'),'0.00;(0.00);-')]|[=F(TN('{REPORT PAYMENT DETAILS:P.Amount.Sum:T.Id==$TicketId}'),'0.00;(0.00);-')]

result GraphQL
  "data": {
    "getCustomReport": {
      "name": "TicketPayment",
      "tables": [
          "rows": [
              "cells": [
  "errors": null