How can i get the time when someona is paying partially and write it on the ticket after closing all ? When i tried {TIME} all the payments get the same time value but this is a problem. Thanks for the solutions
December 17, 2016, 2:12pm
You can use Payment Descriptions and Ticket Tags …
The Payment Screen will show Payment Descriptions. We can capture a lot of information in Payment Descriptions using some fairly simple JScript.
This example shows 6 different Payment Types and their Descriptions.
When we print the Bill, all of this captured information is shown:
GC201508221549307300: ($5.00) 100.00
2015-09-15 12:47:02.836 [Gift Certificate] (GC201508221549307300)
1111 1111-Celeste: ($2.50)…
Ticket Tags are a great way to store information along with a Ticket, especially if you need to look up information for a Ticket that was Settled days, weeks, or months ago, to review information about a transaction.
Ticket Tags can also be used in Printer Templates with {TICKET TAG:X} (where X is the name of the Tag) to provide extra information to your Customers on their Bill, or more information to the Kitchen Order.
This Tutorial shows a method of storing information regarding the Settling…
Really thanks for the great information