How do we correct transactions or ticket date

I have a situation with a client whos computer’s cimos battery had failed and the person who logged into sambapos did not realize that the date was wrong and the transacted half of that workperiod with wrong 2010 date. And now this is messing the reports when that day is included. Is there a way one can correct dates for the affected transactions? Or what’s the best way of handling this! And if one was to mess with the SQL db, which fields would need editing?


From memory there is defiantly dates in tickets table and most likely orders and payments too.
Be very carefull, there is obviously risks in editing the sql directly - be sure to make a backup.

There would be other potential issues, what is the start and end date of the workperiod from that day? when did the battery fail?

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Thanks for your response @JTRTech, i told the client the complexity of editing the dates and he decide to just leave it for now. Though to have a solution for this would be good as it is likely to happen once in a blue moon with some client.Its a problem Especially for the clients with stand alone local db, with those with multiple terminals if the server and client terminal dates dont sync sambapos will alert.

There would be other potential issues, what is the start and end date of the workperiod from that day? when did the battery fail?

This was half a days entries on a single day. Did you have a suggestion on how to handle it if its one date?