How to delet old custmoer accont?


Hello everyone
Is it possible to delete a client from my clients after leaving?
Because I have a situation happens customers with similar names and it is confusing
I have clients that I take their name without opening an account and it still retains them and give Clear
Or maybe even add a list of customers to meet customer Erase button…

No you cant delete them once they have been used on a ticket as they are linked in the database to other things. Its not as simple as just deleting them, as your error message shows there.

The only way to delete them is to delete all tickets to which they have been assigned so they are no longer linked to any transactions, then it will let you delete them

That would mean losing sales and transaction data so there isnt a way to do this as it would completely mess up all your figures

Take a look at my temp tabs video tutorial, it might help you work out an alternative way of handeling customers.

You can rename the Entity and/or change the Entity Type.

So you could create an Entity Type such as “zzzHiddenCustomers” and re-assign that Customer to that Entity Type to “remove it from circulation”.