How to recover Admin PIN

For server name try TEATATTLE\SAMBAPOS

BTW you have a very old version of the software… 2014 is newest.

Couldn’t connect as well. I guess I’ll try downloading the newest 2014 one.

What version of SambaPOS did you install?

SambaPOS Version 4…

installed 2014 version of the SQL management and still couldn’t connect :frowning:
what am i missing in here? i’m using sambapos v4

Press Browse for more does it pull up anything? Expand Database Engine and look for a local server.


I posted earlier using my company account regarding retrieving my one and only admin pin but was limited to 20 post per day. I took some time installing Ms SQL Management studio 2014, but I couldn’t find nor connect to Sambapos database. Typing mycomputername/SambaPOS returned failed result. Browsing local/network doesn’t work either. I tried opening the SQL Server Configuration Manager and there isn’t a Sambapos in the list where I saw in a few topics in this forum.

I’m using Windows 8.1. SambaPOS V4. During installation, CE database was unchecked, and SQL Local DB was checked. Do I need to install anything else, any internet settings, network settings?


There is no need to make a new post so I moved your thread to the original post.

Try (LocalDB)\v11.0 for server name

thanks. it works now. i saw the pin code, it was exactly what i remember, it was more than 20 numbers, but i typed it correctly and still i can’t login. is it because the pincode is set too long? can i edit it to a shorter pin and save it?

You can change it in the DB if you know how yes.


I don’t know how. Can enlighten me please? Sorry. I give a lot of troubles to you guys today.


In object explorer click on the table right click it and choose edit top 200. Find the password and edit it to a 4 digit pin.

thanks. it’s working fine now. thanks everyone.
by the way, is there a better and secure way to retrieve lost pin, like email?
just a suggestion. cheers! :wink:

Looking at the database is pretty much the most secure method. You are not transmitting it across the internet like you would with email. Its a pin log in. You shouldn’t forget it. And it should not be easy to get :stuck_out_tongue:

Look at the Email action and at the Save Custom Report to file action. If you want to throw caution in the wind you could make a button that just prints the Pin lol. The problem with all of this the fact that its only accessable if you log into SambaPOS… so this would have to be supported by @emre to put access to insert a button on Log In screen that you can execute a command. Although something tells me he would say no as it really does not sound practical.

My original comment

EDIT: I am spending too much time thinking about this… but the new
Delay Automation Command feature he spoke about in a previous thread
might allow this… you launch a delayed automation command on
Application started and cancel the command on successful log in. This
is not sound advice however because if you simply just do not log in
before command timer runs out it will still send the Pin to you,

I did not allowed delayed executions when there is no logged in user. Should I allow that?

No I retracted most of what I said. I do not feel its practical at all and would not solve his issue. I think if anything is implemented it should just be a simple Recovery option if Pin forgotten. But my honest opinion is that looking at the database is the most practical solution.

I can not think of any use for allowing it other than this use… and in this case I think just hardcoding a simple recovery option would be the most practical.

I put my comment back in for discussion. Maybe other people may think of a use for allowing this but I can not. I brought it up though so who knows.

Maybe I should just allow it as it can be canceled when user logs out.