How to set expiration date on coupon entity?

How to set expiration date on coupon entity?
It’s easy to set it manually but how to automatically set it when we sell a coupon?
Exemple : I need to set this value to {time} + 12h
I don’t know what is the right tag to set this value in rules/action


We normally support date expressions such as Today+1 but time expressions not supported. Do you need changing expiration date by hours?

Thanks for your answer.
Today+1 should be sufficient
So Could you tell me the right tag because I tried {DATE}+1 but it doesn’t work.

Try using Today+1. Today is equivalent of {DATE} tag.
+1 is configurable so you can use Today+30 for 30 days later. Or you can also use -x if needed.

Also if field already has a date value using only +1 should increase current date value by one day.

I tried {today+1} but it didn’t work so I’ll try Today+1 tonight.
Thanks for your help

Thanks for your help
That works fine