How total table revenue by Date for each Table?

Good Day :slight_smile:

In our Bar we have named Tables simple by “Ix, Ox, Bx, Wx…” with numbers for Inside, Outside, Bar, Window, eg. I1, I2, O1, O1…

So I try make a Table Report for each Floor (have 3).

The aim is I want see what table makes what Revenue when (date).

I use a simple Report (I copied from a forum discussion)

(Custom Report: Sale By Table Listing)

Works good, BUT I need the Report SUMS the total for each table by DATE and not repeat again and again same table with each single order.

Thanks again here for your patience !

Try adding .sum after value field like T.TotalAmount.sum

You mean like this?

But still keep repeating same tables, eg. “O6” or “I6”

Looks like it worked to me. What are you expecting it to look like?

First I need that each Table is listed only ONE time and has the TOTAL the work shift
Second would be GREAT if the tables would be listed in alphabetic order, means I would like it looks like this:

Date TableNo Total
16.07.17 O1 250.000
16.07.17 O2 759.000
16.07.17 O3 1.725…000

Now Its a messy list of ALL ORDERS, I guess Samba list by TIME of order each table, so many tables are repeated and I have to pick up them and sum with a calculator BY HAND :persevere:

According to your screenshot its showing totals for each table for each date. Its not showing all orders… thats what the report is designed to do…

You will need a different report if you want something else.

How about a SORT function ? Is it complicated?

Try EN.Table.asc to order by table names.


Works quite smoothly , again thank you Emre: blush:

If I look back on a longer time scale, eg using “Past Week” querry, to see how much each table makes on revenue, becomes however the sorting a bit fuzzy…

As you can see, the Report now list neatly tables by their numeric order (well starts with O1 then 11, 12 then 2, 3…, but thats OK :slight_smile:

But wouldn’t it be much better have the total of each table, for the selected date period? :smirk: any Idea? :smiley:

If you dont want totals by day then change the report. Remove the T.Date part.


The Background is following…we just opened last month and I use kind of vary furniture where customer can sit/stand, 3 kind of sofas, Bins, high Tables, etc. so I still may optimize, change table order … but I want analyse the revenue of them and this statistic need to be done over a certain period and certain days…

I want to compare for example how does tables Xy on the weekends or weekdays or how much makes the table(s) in one week,one months… who is the most turn-over table, what table lose money…

It would be nice have kind of flexible data filters where I can both, selected the date (may one specific day or a period) and the tables (eg. only the Outside tables, or even only one specific table).

I read the tutorial about PIVOT Table, fancy, but a bit time consuming, I think the data export is easier n faster…

How about I do a data export of my table report? and then use Excel… I just not know how to do the date selection in the report :sweat:

If the work period still open. I can do this from last night, I just copy past me “table report” in the data export form, delete the header from my Table report and get the | separators, which allows me during import to excel get the cells neatly separated :yum:

Here I easy can do what ever I need… :heart_eyes: :sunglasses:

But now my question … whats the syntax in the data export report to define the date ??

from…to.…for examle all table from 01/07/16 to 20/07/16? or last month?

Ok wow so that is different than what you originally asked. To do what you just asked is possible but its going to require a considerable amount of automation. You would create a custom entity screen and use custom report widgst along with editor widgets and the actions to update the report via parameters for dates or tables.

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How about a data export report who simply export ALL tables with date, time and revenue for the present month? So I can export once end of each month and do the rest of filtering in excel…

Hi, all,

I need total revenue For each table on work period. Can any one paste script and thx for sharing.

I do with following script, for ALL Tables start with “O” or “I” or “B” (which is my groundfloor area Bar, Outside and Inside)
[Table Listing:3,2,2,2,2]
{REPORT TICKET DETAILS:T.Date,EN.Table,EN.Table.asc,T.TotalAmount.sum:(TENC.Table=B)}
{REPORT TICKET DETAILS:T.Date,EN.Table,EN.Table.asc,T.TotalAmount.sum:(TENC.Table=O)}
{REPORT TICKET DETAILS:T.Date,EN.Table,EN.Table.asc,T.TotalAmount.sum:(TENC.Table=I)}

Or you must put YOUR Table names exactly inside the script like…

[Table Listing:3,2,2,2,2]
{REPORT TICKET DETAILS:T.Date,EN.Table,EN.Table.asc,T.TotalAmount:(TENC.Table=Bill)}
{REPORT TICKET DETAILS:T.Date,EN.Table,EN.Table.asc,T.TotalAmount:(TENC.Table=31)}
{REPORT TICKET DETAILS:T.Date,EN.Table,EN.Table.asc,T.TotalAmount:(TENC.Table=32)}
{REPORT TICKET DETAILS:T.Date,EN.Table,EN.Table.asc,T.TotalAmount:(TENC.Table=33)}
{REPORT TICKET DETAILS:T.Date,EN.Table,EN.Table.asc,T.TotalAmount:(TENC.Table=34)}
{REPORT TICKET DETAILS:T.Date,EN.Table,EN.Table.asc,T.TotalAmount:(TENC.Table=35)}
{REPORT TICKET DETAILS:T.Date,EN.Table,EN.Table.asc,T.TotalAmount:(TENC.Table=Sofa)}
{REPORT TICKET DETAILS:T.Date,EN.Table,EN.Table.asc,T.TotalAmount:(TENC.Table=Apa)}
{REPORT TICKET DETAILS:T.Date,EN.Table,EN.Tble.asc,T.TotalAmount:(TENC.Table=Office)}

With copy-paste is a question of minutes to do and give you nice results.

After That I save report in xps, and use a third Party program (“Able2Extract 7.0”) to export to Excel (see my other post here)

and get the GRAND TOTAL ease, also in Excel I am able filter, sum, group etc tables revenues and statistics

Is a bit tricky and many small details to find out, but its worth to try …:slight_smile:

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@Factory47 thx the detailed explanation, but i just i didn’t get the utility of using EN.Table and EN.Table.asc.

I get table name columns replicated as picture below of the report :

I know :blush: I also just copy the script from other forum, so I dont mind the detail, when I import ito Excel, I simple Skip the column, lol

Great :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: