HRESULT: 0x800700AA Error

I got this error popup.

There is no crash. I can just click ok and everything work fine. Printer print ticket no problem.

It pop up quite often lately.

It is only happen on client computer not server.

First hit on google suggests posible virus

That is probably a hardware or driver issue. I doubt Sambapos is accessing those resources.

Anything in the logs?

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I think hardware/driver for old com port Generic Text Printer Driver. It won’t clear state of printer something like that.

Always have this kind of website say “Fix this Error” when you search for error. These website is scam/spam/virus themselves.


To be honest likelihood of virus with latest Windows and Windows update on is almost nonexistent now unless you compromise it yourself by installing a virus even when it warns not too.

I just found there is log.txt in SambaPOS5 folder, this was new to me never pay attention.:wink:

[General Info]

Application: SambaPOS
Version:     5.1.58
Region:      en
DB:          SQ
Machine:     DESKTOP-87JVJCS
User:        sukasem
Date:        1/22/2016
Time:        1:00 AM

User Explanation:

sukasem said ""

[Exception Info 1]

Top-level Exception
Type:        System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
Message:     The requested resource is in use. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800700AA)
Source:      Samba.Addon.CustomPrinters
Stack Trace: at SHDocVw.IWebBrowser2.Navigate(String URL, Object& Flags, Object& TargetFrameName, Object& PostData, Object& Headers)
   at Samba.Addon.CustomPrinters.BrowserPrinter.Process(IPrinterService printerService, Printer printer, String document)
   at Samba.Services.Implementations.PrinterModule.PrintJobs.CustomPrinterJob.DoPrint(String[] lines)
   at Samba.Services.Implementations.PrinterModule.PrintJobs.PrintJobCache.Print()
   at Samba.Services.Implementations.PrinterModule.PrintJobs.PrintJobFactory.Print()
   at Samba.Services.Implementations.PrinterModule.TicketPrinter.InternalPrint(Ticket ticket, PrintJob printJob, Func`2 orderSelector)
   at Samba.Services.Implementations.PrinterModule.TicketPrinter.<>c__DisplayClass15_0.<Print>b__0()
   at Samba.Services.Implementations.PrinterModule.AsyncPrintTask.InternalExec(Action action, ILogService logService)


[Assembly Info]

mscorlib, Version=
PresentationFramework, Version=
PresentationCore, Version=
System, Version=
WindowsBase, Version=
System.ComponentModel.Composition, Version=
System.Configuration, Version=
System.Xaml, Version=
Samba.Services, Version=
Microsoft.Practices.Prism.MefExtensions, Version=
Samba.Presentation.Services, Version=
Samba.Presentation.Common, Version=
Samba.Domain, Version=
Samba.Infrastructure, Version=
Microsoft.Practices.Prism, Version=
DevExpress.Xpf.Core.v14.1, Version=
System.Core, Version=
Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation, Version=
Samba.Localization, Version=
FastButton, Version=
Samba.Persistance, Version=


[System Info]

Operating System
-Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
--CodeSet = 1252
--CSDVersion = 
--CurrentTimeZone = -420
--FreePhysicalMemory = 1144056
--OSArchitecture = 64-bit
--OSLanguage = 1033
--ServicePackMajorVersion = 0
--ServicePackMinorVersion = 0
--Version = 10.0.10586

--Manufacturer = Apple Inc.
--Model = MacBookPro9,2
--TotalPhysicalMemory = 4197130240
--UserName = DESKTOP-87JVJCS\sukasem


So, it is Custon Printer problem. I have to find out why.

Its the browser printer. Likely the IE instance is in use.

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Ok, I pretty much have the same problem. The thing is, IE automatically opens if closed when putting a new item in the order/ticket. that is fine and all, however I have setup Cancel Order so it removes all items on the ticket screen to start fresh, as son as I do that I get the exact same error. I know IE is in use, but that’s because the customer display actions and rules are triggering it to work.

Closing IE, and starting a new ticket, then cancelling it triggers the same thing. Is there something we can do to stop this? Mainly seems to occur when u cancel out everything in the order and start from scratch. If you do a normal transaction and settle, it works fine over and over, its only when cancelling the whole order does the error keep popping up.

I have not seen this issue while using the Browser Printer.

The more I google and dig around the 'net, the more it looks like this might be the case. It might be Malware. Do you have a folder anywhere on your computer with a name containing “Microsoft Corporation” ?

EDIT: then again, this might actually be small bug with the way SambaPOS interacts with IE and the error needs to be handled better

Maybe show your complete setup for Customer Display using Browser Printer so we can see if there is something conflicting that might cause this problem.

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I don’t think it is virus thing. I actually have not solve it. It only happen on my macbook bootcamp which I am not really using browser printer so, I disable it and no more error popup.

Here is my configuration for customer display screen.
CD Print jobs

Idle Screen Print Job

Printer Settings

Customer Display Print Action

Customer Idle Screen Action

Execute Idle Print Job Action

Fire Idle Screen RULE

Customer Display- Order Tagged RULE

Customer Display- Changes- Payment Processed RULE

Customer Display Idle RULE

Delayed After Sale - AUTO COMMAND

These are pretty much everything related to Customer Display that I could find.

Is there a point where you get the error that is consistent? For example, does the error always happen at the same time in your flow, like Idle, or Tagged, or Payment, or?

I see the error becoming consistent Only when I seem to cancel the WHOLE ticket. I have a Cancel Order button which removes all items on ticket and goes back to Entity screen. Everytime I click it, it occurs. There are some other instances also, But I have forgotten at what other times it occurs. Doesn’t occur frequently, but does occur consistently when pressing cancel order button as far as I have tested. All other ways seems to be ok so far, except I think with the way I have set up Dine in and Take away, sometimes It seems to fire after I press the CASH button on my order screen.

But again, it doesn’t always occur when cash button is pressed either.

EDIT: I just tested the Actual CANCEL button when highlighting an order.

It re occurs when you cancel the last item highlighted. With mine, when the last item is cancelled, it is meant to go back to entity screen. When it goes to entity screen, the message pops up.

I went to check my Rules regarding cancelling orders and cancelling all orders.

Cancelling All Orders Rule

Cancelling Order(Single) Action

Cancelling Orders Update on Customer Display(I think this might be the cause)

EDIT2: This is what it shows in the log

I recently started noticing it is also doing this when the fast cash button is pressed. I noticed at one stage after closing IE, when picking an item it would open 2 IE pages at same time. (First time it’s ever occurred. Haven’t even made any changes to anything. ) it’s getting weirder and weirder by the day lol

I can just bypass error by checking if web browser is busy but that won’t solve issue as it won’t reflect update and stay in busy state. Finding why it becomes busy and can’t receive our updates will be a better solution.

btw I’ll send “Stop” command before refresh. Maybe it helps. That will be available on next update.

How would the stop command bypass the error?

I’m not sure but I have this feeling maybe my Idle screen is causing this issue. I also think it light have something to do with my customer display template. I say this because I also have in the template a code which shows how much the customer paid and the change received right after payment is made on the same screen before going into idle delay.

But after some changes in my template it no longer shows the payment transaction. But I don’t know what this may have to do with the error popping up every time I cancel whole order. I’ll see what happens if I remove my idle screen and payment transaction code. I’ll also post the template as soon as I have access to my office

I have no idea. I’m trying to guess a solution from what we have on hand.

I would like to show you a GIF of what happens. How do I do this?

EDIT: Till I find out how to make a GIF to show you, I made a few changes. Firstly in my Template I removed the Payments code, and that seemed to have fixed the issue I had with this error code where everytime I pressed the Fast Cash button it would pop up with error.

2nd. In my Cancel order ‘Automation Commands’ I removed Cofirmation to none, and now cancelling the order no longer shows that error code.

My guess is that the confirmation within the auto command button seems to be causing the error to pop up for mine.

In saying that, I did test the cancel order button, and it kept doing the same thing.

I went to the AUTO Command and found the Default Cancel Order button and removed “Clear Selection” value, and that seemed to stop the error popping up every time I go to cancel the last order on list.

IN Saying that, The cancel button still seems to bring me the same issue when on only SOME occasion, after choosing multiple items from the list, highlighting all of them, and pressing cancel button, the error comes back up.

UPDATE 2: Nevermind, after doing some transactions and cancelling them again, the same error occurs, but not always. only sometimes, but happens more frequently.

I think you don’t have much to do from SambaPOS side. For a reason IE stay / stuck in Busy state so sending further updates causes (Resource In use) error. That might relate with a html error or some Javascript code if you have.