I can't find: Reopen Closed Tickets action type in V5?

I can’t find Reopen Closed Ticket action type on V5?.
How can I do that?

Continuando la discusión desde When Paying a Ticket, it change the status to Paid and disapears from kitchen display:

Install More Ticket Actions First

Thank you so much @sukasem.

Hi when i give command paid in automation of reopen settled ticket then the reopen settle ticket button get disappear from paid

when i remove the paid form command then re open settle ticket button appears

Under enabled status…

I think thats was you need

yes we have to keep that enable status blank otherwise we will have same issue the button will get disappear as in tutorial it says

Can we clarify.
ENABLED state will not make it disapear. It will be greted out unless state matches
VISABLE defines if it shows or not.

ok JTR bro i just check adding * in enable the button got disappear

Enable only defines if the button is active, VISABLE is if it is there or ‘disapear’

ok sir i remove paid and its working just want to know this will not spoil any data if i remove paid from visible state

Spoil data? Automation command mapping won’t spool any data.
Reopening ticket and canceling parents will likely spoil your data and reports. Given the level of questions being asked it worries me to see you messing with reopen ticket.

ok bro thank u very much so i wil moov to older topic :rofl: