Icons not visible everything is like boxes

Continuing the discussion from Windows 10 and Sambapos:

Dear Helitrooper,
Now your problem has been solved or not?
As I also have this problem icons are not visible every thing is like boxes how can I resolve it but I dont have windows 10 I have windows 7.
Please guide me how would I clear these issues.

just uninstall samba and reinstall it should be ok then

Then What about my data ?
Is that already backed up or I have to backup first?
Because there is no option for backup.

you can see text right
the mnage box will always be located in the 3rd row and 2 nd cloumn you may enter and backup from there.

it is always good to backup

The font which comes with samba has not been installed properly.
Reinstall samba, do not launch straight away, once installer ends just leave for a minute or so and wait for option to come up about installing the font.
If the option doesnt come up check your file type accosiations as to what opens each file type.

Backup in V4 is an optional module available in the samba market, its only $2.99 if i remember right.
You can install and use in trial mode which will work in full but you get popup every few minutes saying module is in trial mode.
Depending on what database type you chose to use you can do directly.
Compact Edition is just a single file in the SambaPOS folder in my documents
LocalDb am not sure as never used
SQL Express you can backup direct with SQL software
I have always opted to use the samba backup as is easy.

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Thanks JTR,
This is really helpful. Will try and get back to you
Thanks in advance

Localdb is SQL express single user db. It can be backed up with MSSMS or database backup module.


Dear Sir,
I have problem in custom delivery and if you know the solution please guide me how.
My Ticket has been stuck and I can’t find this ticket anywhere but this ticket is only visible in custom delivery ticket lister also there is active notification in Deliverer Status kindly check attached picture and let me know the solution.

Go into the ticket lister from the main menu and amend the date range to be wide enough to cover this ticket and then change the drop down to all tickets (depending on your setup - if its open/unpaid it will show without changing the dropdown)
changing the dropdown may show a large list of tickets depending on what you have done sales size but that will show every ticket.
If you have a ticket which is in limbo it is posibly due to ticket tag allowing ticket close without an entity or something like that. Review your work flow to find how the ticket has slipped in to ‘limbo’.

Dear Sir,
This is the ticket but inside there is no option to unlock the ticket also there is status “delivering”.
Kindly guide me how to delete this ticket or clear from ticket lister?

Is this in production or just testing.
If production you will need to instal the ‘extra actions’ module and setup the reopen closed ticket action, update the state replating to your delivery screen and then close again.
If you in testing still easiest would just be to clear transactions using the database tasks.

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Is it possible that you can access my computer via teamviewer to clear this ticket?
I tried a lot but not working.

What have you tried?
Reopen close ticket setup or clear transactions?

Dear Sir,
Now my problem is solved by reopen settle payment.
I have other question regarding caller ID.
I have custom screen for Delivery and there is delivery customers.
Kindly tell me how can I configure " when I click on caller ID popup this will go directly to delivery customers" I dont need default customer search.
Also please guide me how can I add button in menu to select table in custom screen.? because there are only 2 buttons 1 is select deliverer and 2nd is select customer

You need to select able entities against your ticket type.

Sorry, have not done a caller ID setup yet so not familiar with the configurations.

FYI make a new topic for separate questions rather than all in one as easier for others with same question to find answers.

OK Thank you very much for your cooperation.