Idea for ?Prompt Type Display of Datepicker

Just a thought but with this new date picker going everywhere, could be maybe get the ability to have a date picker in a ?Prompt dialogue for a nice way to handle entering dates?


Think should change this to a request, got a couple of like but would be interested to see what kendash and q think?

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What do you think they think? lol…

I think it’s a good idea and would like to think they would agree lol

I checked it but we don’t have a specific data type as date? How we’ll display it?

Good question. Is going to need some form of mask option for how to format as a string…
Maybe an option as to if it should be a string for visual use like tags or a full timestamp for use with date based expressions/constraints?

I think [?prompt] syntax is complicated enough.

Maybe we need a new type of “input selector” that could also be turned into a Widget. A date picker Widget would be fantastic.

Maybe like:


// invokes Date Picker, returns selection as: 2016-06-18_14.49.37

// invokes Date Picker, returns selection as: 18 Jun 2016
[#DATE;{DATE:dd mmm yyyy}]

// invokes Color Picker, returns selection as: #FF445566

// invokes Color Picker, returns selection as: rgba(68,85,102,1)

So for example, this is what the Punch Editor Prompts look like right now …

[?Enter new Start;;{SETTING:PEstart}]

Instead of using [?prompt], if we had a picker input type, like this:

[#DATE;{DATE:yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss};Enter new Start;{SETTING:PEstart}]
[#DATE;{DATE:yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss};Enter new End;{SETTING:PEend}]

Then the Punch Editor start/end dates could be as such …


That is exactly along the lines of what I was thinking but you explain much better ;-).

Interesting idea on the colour picker, do you have a use in mind?

No, not yet, but I was thinking for future of a “selector/picker” input type, it could be extended later using specific keywords like DATE, TIME, COLOR, FILE (ie. invokes Browse dialog)

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