Ok here is an update on my flow… several things to note…
The change Drink button and Change Side buttons only show up if their order type is selected. Example Change Side button only shows up if a side is selected and Change Drink button only shows if a Drink is selected.
This setup lets you swap out designated menu items in the combo and lets you change portions and adjusts price accordingly.
The prices are all promotion prices so a large Diet Coke that is part of a combo costs less than a Large Diet Coke that is not part of a combo.
Anyway I am 95% done… few formatting things to iron out like the actual header name… Combo 1 is a place holder also I want to tweak some of the looks of portions on screen etc.
I am not quite ready to share the configuration yet but I will soon hopefully.
EDIT: Forgot to mention also if you are in middle of a change of an item it will not let you select anything other than the type of item you are swapping… it will warn you. Here is an example of that: