I'm getting this error when trying to set the entity from the entity screen

If I can get that endless loop cleared I can get it working I think. Where i keep on closing the ticket and as theres text in the editor widget it goes stragith to making a new ticket

Uncheck Should Focus option for Editor Widget see if that cures the loop woe.

But If I do that, then I might as well just use the normal entity search. A barcode scanner is like a keyboard and when scanned will send the data and then press enter. If it’s not focussed then when I scan it nothing will happen.

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The reason I wanted to set it up like this, was because when using an entity search widget theres a small delay as it searchs for what you enter, the barcode scanner press enter isntalnt making you have to press enter again

You could also create this with a task editor widget… but the focus thing would be an issue with it.

Suggestions then? what would I be best to do, or should I request a new feature

This should work there must be something interfering with the flow. Have you tried using the local setting instead of command value?

What I have? Im really not sure what else to do to debug the flow and whats wrong