Impossible to activate my licence on SambaPos 5.7.14


I’ve been trying all day to install and activate my licence on SambaPos 5.7.14 but impossible.
The softwware displays “Unregistered Trial”/“Demo” and inside the software there is no way to activate it.

So I followed this tutorial :
" Step-by-Step Licensing for a New Installation

  • Install SambaPOS.
  • Start SambaPOS and set up the SQL Database and Message Server
    connections, then save.
  • Run/Install the Message Server on the port specified.
  • Restart the program (to create the database and connect to the Message Server).
  • Run Licensing.exe to complete the licensing process.
  • Restart the Message Server, and then start SambaPOS to begin using it."

I did the message sever connection. When I try the Message Server connection, I can see “Successfully connecter to message server”. It’s also display “Connected” at the bottom of my software. But then when I close and open the application, I have the message “Message server connection error”… and it still demo mode and unregistered mode.

I tried to Run Licensing.exe to complete the licensing process, but it doesn’t change anything and I’m still in unregistered/demo mode.

I spent my day on it… and tried so many things but the problem persist…

If someone has the solution, or can send me a previous version where it was easy to activate the license…

Thank you in advance,


Hello @EscapeBar Baptiste,

Today we have sent 2 separate emails to your license email address regarding the licensing process issue, however you didn’t reply to us back, apparently you missed them.

In case you send Anydesk Remote Connection Program ID to we can check the situation together.

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Hello @EscapeBar,

We connected to your system via Anydesk and resolved the issue by insatlling the SambaPOS Messaging Server properly.

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Since this same question was asked in 2 threads i will close this thread. We added some extra information about message server in the original thread here: Licensing Considerations for SambaPOS 5.7.14 and later versions