I’ve been trying all day to install and activate my licence on SambaPos 5.7.14 but impossible.
The softwware displays “Unregistered Trial”/“Demo” and inside the software there is no way to activate it.
So I followed this tutorial :
" Step-by-Step Licensing for a New Installation
- Install SambaPOS.
- Start SambaPOS and set up the SQL Database and Message Server
connections, then save. - Run/Install the Message Server on the port specified.
- Restart the program (to create the database and connect to the Message Server).
- Run Licensing.exe to complete the licensing process.
- Restart the Message Server, and then start SambaPOS to begin using it."
I did the message sever connection. When I try the Message Server connection, I can see “Successfully connecter to message server”. It’s also display “Connected” at the bottom of my software. But then when I close and open the application, I have the message “Message server connection error”… and it still demo mode and unregistered mode.
I tried to Run Licensing.exe to complete the licensing process, but it doesn’t change anything and I’m still in unregistered/demo mode.
I spent my day on it… and tried so many things but the problem persist…
If someone has the solution, or can send me a previous version where it was easy to activate the license…
Thank you in advance,