Please how can I remove my voided quantities from item sales?
Example, I sold 2 can coke and later void 1
But my item sales report still shows can coke 2
I want it to show the correct quantity sold.
I use samba v5
Please how can I remove my voided quantities from item sales?
Example, I sold 2 can coke and later void 1
But my item sales report still shows can coke 2
I want it to show the correct quantity sold.
I use samba v5
But you sold 2 that won’t change. You sold 2 and voided 1
Use flags in expressions (ODI=True) and (OCP=True)
ODI = Order Decreased Inventory - by default a condition given to Gifted items
OCP = Order Calculated Price - by default its a condition which is False for both Gift and Voids.
So having these two expressions will rule out all Gift & Voids.