Inactivity Timer

Was going to reply on; (it’s a beta category if any non beta members are not able to see it)
However though it was better to start a fresh thread.

Ok so have come back to thinking about some form of inactivity based auto logout.
Was there any after thought on an {INACTICITY} type tag?
I know there was consern about closing tickets in this flow… While my plan would be to intergrated this with the switch user/hold ticket system which I already have on the logout button (which has two ‘routes’ which are based on an order state count - or if there are any new orders an ask question option is given of submit orders & close OR hold & switch user) and using the same principles.
In the mean time I might just put an ask question in to prompt to logout.
My main though on this line is to ensure users are loved out between users while allowing a close ticket action without auto logout for increased productivity on restaurant tills and perticularly tablets (bar tills will remain with autologout on close - or at least with actions rather than the option in settings).

Along these lines I also plan to also have another go at single user session setup to prevent login on multiple tills/possibly coupled with an option to transfer session using the switch/hold setup and broadcast messages to hold and close ticket on first machine then reopen on second but that’s a seperate plan.


Sorry to drag up old topic, haven’t seen anything which would work towards this idea?
@emre would a rule event for inactivity time be something considered?
Am working through a security plan following the events mentioned elsewhere to include easier user switching and compehencive event logging.
On these lines I would like to crack down on cross user use, say the till is left logged in and left unattended.
Logs are all well and good so long as the user being logged is correct.
Given improvements in switch user setup it should be feasible to handle 99% of forces ticket close and logout but just need a method of triggering such automation given a set period of inactivity.
We got a timeout for ask questions popups, and that solves other issues I had before but inactivity is a hard thing to trigger from in an events triggered automation system.
My initial thoughts would be if it were possible to hook into the OS for cusor/hid activity like what I presume power/screensaver hooks into so it covers all interaction including entity screens and nav menu etc rather than just existing samba automation based events.


I agree with this too, seems to be a standard option on all pos I’ve tested


I agree it really does cause alot of issues. Our waitresses always forget to logout or they will go to ask customer a question real quick and another waitress will hop on there and just start putting in orders. Since ive entered the POS industry I have realized how little waitresses think when on the job lol.

Would be awesome if we solved this! We currently just logout on order sent and it works okay but obviously doesn’t solve all scenarios.