Increase Ticket Number

Hello everyone! I need to increase the Ticket Number ( in Template {TICKET NO} ) . What i’m wrong?

I saw the tutorial " " but I would like to work with the Ticket Number Generator

That Ticket number you want. Do You want it to reset after a variation number is reached or continuously increase forever

increase when I click the button increase

That Tutorial link is the best way to use a number generator which can reset as well. But If you don’t want reset. TICKET NO should auto increase on each ticket. By default. Is I’d not doing this?

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Let me explain better. I could use that way, but I do not understand how to insert the Ticket Tag in the script that I use to


with his method I could use the Ticket Account Number Generator, although for me it would be better to implement the Ticket Tag but I don’t know if it’s possible

Your setting a fixed value in your program setting??? its not going up case your just making it 445 everytime, unless Im misunderstanding your screenshots…
Also setting name just needs to be a string, no {:xxxxxx}, then you call the value using {SETTING:xxxx}.

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Number Generators are not designed to be altered/changed/updated/reset. They increment by 1 each time they are called upon to do so. This is done by assigning Number Generators to a Ticket Type.

By default, there are only 2 Number Generators defined:

  • Ticket Number Generator
  • Order Number Generator

By default, those generators are assigned to the Ticket Type named “Ticket”: This screenshot shows 4 Number Generators: 2 for each Ticket Type of “Ticket” and “Staff Ticket” …

Again, Number Generators are not designed to be updated or changed, and SambaPOS does not have any facility (no Actions) to do this. They increment by 1 automatically when a new Ticket is created, or a new Order is added to a Ticket.

In a Printer Template, those generators are referenced by the Printer Tags as {TICKET NO} and {ORDER NO}.

Using a Ticket Tag is different. You need to update Ticket Tags yourself (through Automation). In the case of using a Ticket Tag as an “auto-incrementing number”, you would do this in tandem with a Global (DB-stored) Program Setting, where you Update/Increase the Program Setting, then assign the Program Setting Value to a Ticket Tag of your choice.

The Tutorial on the V2 Forum will work for that purpose. The only thing that has changed is this part about the Printer Tag:


For V3, V4, V5, etc, that Printer Tag changed, and is referenced like this instead:


Notice the <space> between the words TICKET and TAG.

If you do not want the number to reset daily, then do not create the Rule for “Work Period Ended” event.

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Thank you very much for the explanation. Now it is more clear. I will continue to use the method of tutorial V2. But what about the part in Sql? I can spice up your script the entry {TICKET TAG: Ricevuta N°}?

HI QMcKay,

how can i changed to daily ticket number. i’m looking for a way to change every new day starting from Order #1


As I stated previously, the V2 Tutorial will work for this:,97.msg671.html#msg671

The only thing that has changed is this part about the Printer Tag:


For V3, V4, V5, etc, that Printer Tag changed, and is referenced like this instead:


Notice the <space> between the words TICKET and TAG.

If you do not want the number to reset daily, then do not create the Rule for “Work Period Ended” event.

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thank you Sir,

i will try it .
