As annotated in the video V5.1.58 is not the latest version and Emre has decided to keep updating V5 for now with some of the new features originally planed to be released in V6. Majority is still being tested in beta section of the forum but more updates will likely come.
Link to the forum by all means.
A plan of what direction to go is still undecided with maybe a video tutorial section posible in the future with a whole series of videos or maybe basic stuff open with more in depth being a subscription a possibility.
The main thing at the minute is to Work out the value and demand for these and if it’s worth the time and effort to put together a whole series.
I hope some form of low cost subscription might be impliment able to justify time spent especially if doing a whole series and to ensure quality and a good job which is done right.
These are still fairly basic as early attempts but hope a more professional result which would be a valuable asset and powerful learning tool will come with time.
My intention was for basic and easy setups and tutorials to have a direct YouTube link, and for more advanced stuff to link straight to the forum… Of course a note will be provided on the site to give direct access to forums for more tutorials and discussions… I just intend to have a section in my website for video tutorials and documentation of samba. Basic stuff only, any further advancements would require to contact directly or link direct to forum.
I also intend to start doing video tutorials as I’m going to put them on the site also.
Personally I would prefer a link through to the forum as my intention at least with these more basic videos is for them to be a comunity asset and maybe emres optinion on this might be good to hear.
I think this should maybe be done on the basis you share your videos on the forum in return…
of course, I definitely intend to, as the video recording will most probably be done on either vimeo or youtube, and once uploaded I will share the links on the forum also
My original intention was to do something like that but opted to see if something ‘official’ could be worked out through forum, might be worth seeing what emres intentions are if the videos prove popular.
For starters, we already have documented tutorials, which can if allowed by admins, put into a documented PDF with version updates as they update. This could be worthwhile for like a beginning of an instructional booklet for users who may not have access to the internet or forums.
Then for those who have for example their phones and video access, the video tutorials will serve quite well, as it could potentially take less time for a user to setup by simply watching a video with notations, than reading and going through lines and lines of text. Just my 2 cents
Videos are defiantly better for beginners but become less useful for more advanced stuff as to do those you would most likely be more familiar with the system and more capable to just go from some screenshots.
I will try doing some basic recordings of some very basic tutorials and understandings of SambaPOS, post it, and if it’s ok, will make it live I think that’s the least I can do, since I wayyyy behind in everything yet again
My plan is to try and have at some point a whole series of videos for beginners.
Ideally I would like to work out a way to get a little back from the time be it through donations or a small subscribe fee or something.
Have discussed a few ideas with emre but obviously depends on demand and popularity and also obviously a good set of videos as only done these 3 so far LOL
I aim to do the series regardless of any other videos people might do as I personally like to follow one persons series once I find someone I can follow, hopefully that might me mine