Invalid license

After updated to 5.5.4 yesterday open SambaPOS on my client pc said invalid license and I need to put user and password to activate then when I log out on my server pc my and try to open SambaPOS again it not activated anymore, so I clear the key and activate license on my server pc again. And today I open SambaPOS on my client pc become unregistered and need to activate again, :confused:Thanks

It like I activate license on server my client become unregistered
Then I activate license client my server become unregistered
Do I need to activate client pc…? Because is said unregistered. Thanks

Shutdown sambapos on all terminals. Run license.exe on the server. Start sambapos on the server then after that start each terminal.

Thanks @Jesse it working now

Hi i have updated to SambaPOS 5.7.8 everytime there is a blackout or in the morning when starting work i have to put activation on the server is there any permanent solution 5.6 was ok

Contact to assist you with licensing. We use the same version on the islands where power cuts of twice a day and it works fine