Inventory CONSUMPTION: Inventory Items, Products, Recipes, and Order Tags


Thank you for all your help, If I don’t reply again today, its because it 23:30 already and I’m closing up for the night.

The reason that I am following your tutorial, is that I want to be able to use Order Tags to remove items from a pizza and not have them be consumed in the warehouse. I.e a customer orders the P2 with No Petit Rose, I want only the rest of the items to be consumed.

Also I want to be able to use Order Tags to add items, and maybe make half n’ half pizzas, but there is another tutorial for that I think.

Yah, I didn’t expect that to fix anything, but you should ensure you have that set up properly in the first place.

Check into that… it might be causing an issue.

Sorry I forgot to mention that.

I did check my Order Tags. I didn’t find any duplicates, and I deleted the Second Order Tag group I had made for a test.

My order tags doesn’t link to a product, would that have an influence?


I tried running and order through, using an Order Tag i created for half another pizza, that included product.

The result was that all the Items from the Order Tag product was consumed, but non of the Flight 52 product.

Yes, it does have an influence, but not like you might think.

If you are using Recipe Order Tag mappings, you want to ensure that your Order Tags are not linked to a Product.

For very simple setups, you can link a Product to the Order Tag, but then you should not have Recipe Order Tag mappings.

You should not do both. For the most flexibility, choose to use Recipe Order Tag mappings only.

You might want to re-do your Recipe all over again, in case there was some conflict there.

EDIT: Nevermind … I just did a test, and it seems having duplicate Order Tags in different Tag Groups makes no difference. It still appears to calculate Consumption properly.

I’ll give that a try tomorrow.

Good night

Is there a way of factory resetting SambaPOS?

If there is, Ill do a backup and try from scratch, because something is very wrong

  1. Create backup.
  2. On Local Settings > Database screen Click Edit Connection.
  3. Rename Database and Click OK.
  4. Click Apply Button.

That will create a new default database file and when needed you can connect to your old database by typing old name or restore your backup on top of it.

If you activated license changing database will deactivate the license. You can login and on My Products page click Clear License Keys to reactivate SambaPOS. To prevent it later you can create another backup on default database and restore it when you need to go back to default.

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I did as explained and I’m working in a fresh database.

I set up inventory Items for 2 Pizzas, 2 Products with a Normal and Half portion, 4 recipes for the 2 products.

I made a sale for 1 normal portion and 1 Half portion and it affected my warehouse as expected.

Then I created order tags and added them to the Half order only and made a sale of 1 normal and 1 Half order.

And this happened again. Only the Normal order that doesn’t use order tags in the recipe consumes Items in the warehouse.

I need the order tags to be able to modify consumption, when customers add an Item or don’t want an Item on their pizza.

Where am I going wrong?

Did you clicked on modifier buttons? Couldn’t understand it on your screen shot.


OMG LOL! Emre is correct. You have yet to show a Ticket where you actually select any Order Tags for a Menu Item. It will not consume if you don’t tag the Order. That is the entire point.


Surely? Maybe? Hmm if thats true then you need to enable auto add of order tags by typing them comma seperated in your menu item setup. Or manually select them.

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I must have missed the point entirely.

I have a menu with 14 set choices of pizza and 90% of every pizza I sell is straight of the menu.

The last 10% includes the customer adding or removing an ingredient from the chosen pizza, so I set up order tags to relay this information to the kitchen and modify prices. But the order tags didn’t affect consumption, and that’s what I thought this tutorial did.

But in fact, if I understand it correct. This will only be useful if I offered a “Build your own pizza” where the customer could choose any topping he desired, and the recipe would contain every Inventory Item linked to an Order tag, except for the base and sauce.

So sorry for wasting your time so far and thank you all for your help.

But it still leaves me with the big question: How do I get order tags to affect inventory consumption? Both negatively and positively.

The only option I see is to create 2 products for every Inventory item including recipes using only that item. Then linking them to order tags, one for adding and one for removing. But that seems like a huge task for a “small” problem.


Unfortunately that doesn’t seam to work either, unless I’m missing a step.

So far so good. Here is my warehouse, consumption for both Green Pepper and Mushroom is 4. I’ll make a sale of one P1 (pizza base, sauce, cheese) +Green Pepper and one P2 (pizza base, sauce, cheese, French Salami, Greem Pepper, Mushroom) -Green Pepper, Which should result in the consumption of 1 further Green Pepper and Mushroom.

But the minus in the -Green Pepper recipe is ignored and 2 Green Peppers are consumed.


I just tried linking the Order Tag back to the recipe.

That didn’t work either.


How does that work? (My question wasn’t long enough, so this is stuffing LOL)

Setup Order tag for Mushroom recipe line as !-Mushroom. ! character inverses the logic. On this setup Mushroom recipe line always works (decreases mushroom inventory) unless order gets tagged as -Mushroom. No additional quantity trick is needed.

As we assume it have mushrooms by default you don’t need separate +Mushroom. If it means something like “More Mushroom” you can add an additional mushroom line in recipe to decrease more mushroom when +Mushroom is selected.

So in short you’ll have mushroom by default. -Mushroom means no mushroom and +Mushroom means more (double?) mushrooms.

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To Auto-Tag Menu Items …

Manage > Products > Menu List > [Menu] > [Category] > Edit Product Properties

Use the Order Tag section as a comma-separated list of the Tags that are generally on a Pizza, such as:

  • Pizza Base
  • Pizza Sauce
  • Cheese

:warning: The Tags are case-sensitive, and there should be no spaces before or after a comma!

Then if there are other Tags for a certain type of Pizza, for example, Hawaiian, continue with the applicable Tags, like Ham and Pineapple. So your Order Tag list might look like this for the Hawaiian (again, note no spaces around the commas):

Pizza Base,Pizza Sauce,Cheese,Ham,Pineapple


FYI this is order tag mapping tricks reference.

!Meat     > Negating Match   > Not tagged as `Meat`
*Meat     > Ending Match     > Ends with `Meat`
* Meat    >   "    "         > Ends with ` Meat` (word)
?\bMeat^  > Regex Match      > Ends with or equals Meat

:slight_smile: @Flight52 last two answers to your question are different approaches to your issue. Q’s suggestion works great as it lists all optional (removable) indigents on kitchen print even they are default so kitchen staff does not need to remember if selected product does have mushroom by default or not. So I strongly suggest you to implement @QMcKay’s suggestion.


Thank you for the help, I’ve been without internet for 2 days, so a late reply.

I like this way.

If I understand it correctly ! -Mushroom will add mushroom to the inventory. So if a pizza has mushroom in the recipe, the recipe will consume 1 mushroom and the order tag will add 1, ending up with 0 consumption. correct?

So I create 1 Inventory Item called Mushroom, 1 Product that consumes 1 Mushroom, 1 Recipe for the Mushroom Product and 2 Order Tags. 1 called +Mushroom to add extra Mushroom to a pizza and 1 called ! -Mushroom to not use Mushroom on a pizza, both linked to the Product, Recipe, Inventory Item called Mushroom.

I then run a sale through, selling 1 P2 pizza (that normally consumes: 1 Pizza Base, 100 Marinara Sauce, 140 Mozzarella Cheese, 10 French Salami, 1 Mushroom and 1 Green Pepper), using the Order Tag ! -Mushroom.

And it consumes 2 Mushroom instead of 0

Where am I going wrong?


Thank you for the information on how to Edit product properties, it is something I’ll definitely keep in mind, and I haven’t seen it anywhere else in the forums. In fact it could easily be part of the original tutorial.

For me unfortunately it won’t work.

My serving staff, speak English, my customers speak English, my kitchen staff neither speaks, reads or writes no English, only Thai. So in the kitchen we have a recipe for each pizza in Thai (and English for me) and codes for the pizza (P1, P2 etc). At the moment when we receive a modified order the serving staff will write on the orderpad:
-เห็ด (Mushroom)
so that the kitchen staff can read it.

If they received an order for a P2 with only 4 ingredients listed instead of 5, they would have to exit the kitchen and ask which one it was. And even worse, if they received an order for a P2 with 5 ingredients listed (1 added, 1 removed) they would just assume it was a regular pizza and make that.

And unfortunately my printer cannot print Thai, only Chinese and English, that’s what I get for buying a cheep printer :frowning:

So I have to try the ! way.

You entirely misunderstood it… :slight_smile: I’m preparing some screenshots for you.

##No cheese

I created a pizza product.

This is the only product I need. For indigents like mushroom, cheese we don’t need products or recipes.

I created 3 order tags for Pizza. I only set prices and mapping. We’ll solve product mapping in recipe. Mapping an order tag to a product here useful for menu setups like mapping tags to menu products like Coke, Fanta, etc… So product Mapping should remain blank.

I created inventory items for 3 Pizza Indigents.

I created a default recipe for pizza.

When I sell 1 pizza it works as expected.

Now this is the important part. When I click on No Cheese order tag I want it not to decrease cheese. I don’t want it to add something back to inventory. I just won’t decrease cheese. Let’s update the recipe.

It means Unless (!) I tag order as No Cheese, decrease 30 gr cheese.

So .

When I sell one more pizza without any order tag selection it decreased 30gr cheese.

When I add 3rd pizza with no cheese…

Mushroom consumption increased to 90 but cheese remained 60.

More Cheese

:warning: I’m clearing past transactions to demonstrate it better.

So when we click on More Cheese we want to consume 20 gr More Cheese so it should consume 50 gr.

I added second recipe line for More Cheese Tag. That line will work when order tagged as More Cheese.

With that recipe selling Pizza with no modifications still consumes 30 gr cheese.

… but when I sell second pizza with More Cheese Option selected…

Cheese consumption becomes 80 instead of 60.

Finally I’m setting up No Mushroom tag for pizza so my recipe is done.

As Pizza Dough always decreases no order tag mapped to it.

PS: If you name the tag as -Mushroom instead of No Mushroom, please map it as !-Mushroom.