Inventory product to creat an inventory item

Hi all

i have created my inventory items that are used in an inventory product and this is working fine. What i would like to find out is can i dispatch under warehouse to shop stock as a ready to use inventory item.

for example pizza dough is made up of the following inventory items a,b and c and i have pizza dough as a product of inventory. so in the morning i want to tell the system to dispatch 20 large pizza dough for that day and the system to pull the ordered quantity out of the inventory

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There is no method for doing this at this time.

Inventory Products are simply there to be able to create Recipes for pre-prepped Items so that they can Consume Inventory Items when you sell something.

Unfortunately, the Products cannot be “bought” or “sold” or “tracked” as an Item itself, they are only “containers” for Inventory Item Consumption.

Thank you i understand what you are saying … i have been putting some thought in to how this could possibly be done .

If i create a different menu for a department call dispatch produce and on that menu is all the produce that we create in house. process the order to pull the consumption out of stock for my 50 pizza dough. then add my 50 pizza do into stock with the quantity of 50 units ready for the day and then switch back to my default menu to sell the product with its own recipes would you say that would work on some level.

Would something like this work

  1. Create a second menu called dispatch menu
  2. Create a department called dispatch
  3. Set the dispatch menu to be active on the dispatch department
  4. Map this department so that only admin user can see it
  5. Add a list of products that you make in your restaurant. i.e. Pizza dough
  6. Give it a group code called ( in house produce)
  7. Make sure that your inventory portions include cost (per g and Kg) or (ml and L ) or (egg and eggs)
  8. Create recipes for these products call them (Pizza dough produce)
  9. Give the recipe a group code (Produce)
  10. Make sure that your recipe total cost for the pizza dough matches the sale amount for the product that you created ( Pizza Dough) this is to ensure a 1 -1 to cancel out any profit
  11. Create a supplier called Store room

Process the Dispatch Order.

  1. Log on with a admin user
  2. Switch departments and go to dispatch
  3. Now you will see a menu with products that you do not sell but you use and these products in product that you do sell on your main menu. i.e. Pizza dough has its own recipe that makes it but it is also part of a main recipe that completes the pizza
  4. Now if you need to dispatch 50 large pizza dough so use the key pad and punch in 50 the large then medium.
  5. Then settle , all and cash
  6. Go to Warehouse Kitchen account then account porches
  7. Supplier=Store room inventory=pizza dough the cost must = the total cost of the recipe and the you add a quantity and a unit (50 large)
  8. You will now have 50 large Pizza dough in stock to add to your main recipes. i.e. Regina = pizza dough; mushroom; cheese; tomato base