Inventory transactions

I had my products and database on version 4, then I downloaded version 5, but I don’t know how to import my products from version 4 to version 5.

Open V4, install backup module (trial) restart, go to manage, backup, close v4, open v5 and restore your backup.

When I try to restore the backup it says “the path is not legal form”

Where is the file you restoring? What directory?

Documents, SambaPOS4, database backups

Try moving it to root of C:, ofther there are many permissions issues with documents directory.
Although usually the error message is different.

It says the file name or file path (including folder names) contains illegal characters that can not be used for file names.

It is hard to tell why from your explanation. Try to give some details about your issue. For example you can post screen shots of your backup module configuration or show us your file name…

The file name is SambaPOS4_201606171244CEM
In both versions, I have all the database backup settings enabled.

Is it not liking the fact you have the file extensions hidden?

file extensions hidden?
I don’t know what is that

Not sure where the option will be in win 10 but ive only ever had showing extentions.

Is only a guess…

See my screenshot;

I tried like that but still doesn’t work, thanks anyways!!

Hold up, missed the obvious… CEM, am guessing thats meaning you were using CE (Compact Edition) which may more likely be the issue if your not running v5 using SQL.

The SQL install tutorial has a whole part about converting from CE if you were using that beofre.

Do you have the link of that tutorial?

Search is your friend :wink:

Thank you very much!!