Is it possible to disable Close button if an item's selected?

It is yes. But unfortunately QMX is not an active project anymore - the creator QMacKay sadly passed away about 2 years ago. Even the website is still live, it may go down at any time and I’m not sure if it is relied upon for license / activation checks, so should not be considered a long term solution.

So, the best solution in my case should be using constraint for close button somehow as @JTRTech mentioned. So, it won’t work when an item selected.


Thinking about it, show the close button settings for the automation command.
Is clear selection ticked?

It’s pretty default.

Was just a thought.

Try adding this to your close button automation command rule constraints;


[='{SELECTED ORDERS}'.indexOf('0')]


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It works! Thank you so much. I also found a little bug. When I get into an order and void an item, if by chance I also select another item and press close, the void item won’t be printed on KDS. Do you know a reason for this issue?

No idea on that one, but surely the above should be stopping to close button from working if there are any orders selected?

So, I think it’s kind of weird if specificly, it will work if ordered item selected, not voided item selected. I will make some screenshot on next days.

Are you sure void item selected? Void probably clear selection on press.

I’m making a video, it seems it only work with new orders and not work for void or submitted items.

2020-10-31 14-34-32

My use of it specifically relates to new orders as a work arround on autoselect and ticket refresh automation in my discounts system…
Can you add a show message with the selected orders tag as message.
At a guess I would say the 0 comes from not having an order id as not submitted and perhaps it is returning an order id as they are submitted at that point…
Show message and test selecting one and two orders.

A blind guess I would say maybe changing from less than 0 to just selected orders is null maybe.

I can’t understand “Add a show message with the selected orders tag as message”. Can you give me more detail about it?

I’ll edit less than 0 to empty tonight and will report back tomorrow. :+1: