Is it possible to test if a custom menu item tag contains a string

Hi all,

I use a menu item tag to provide information to our two separate serving areas on orders that need to be co-ordinated.

I use a menu item custom tag call PrintTarget which contains a string that I match against. But I have some edge cases that need to come up on both areas.

I use this formula in the action:
{TICKET ORDER COUNT EXP:(MT.PrintTarget=Pizza) AND (ODI=True)}

is it possible to change this to check the string to see if it contains a tag, instead of equals a tag.

for example:
{TICKET ORDER COUNT EXP:(MT.PrintTarget contains Pizza) AND (ODI=True)}

thanks very much.


{TICKET ORDER COUNT EXP:(MT.PrintTarget.Contains("Pizza")) AND (ODI=True)}

I had .Contains("search term") working for another report tag. However it isn’t as versatile as LIKE in an SQL statement - the search term is case sensitive.