Is there any way to accept Advance Payments but keep Ticket Open

Mark Ticket as Closed is a special action that needs to be executed with Before Ticket Closing Event.

You can implement something like that.

I’ve added '{TICKET STATE:Delivery Status}' == 'Delivered' constraint to Mark Ticket As Closed action so it will work only ticket’s delivery status equals delivered.

I’ve created an action to update Ticket’s delivery status to delivered. When this action called Mark Ticket as Closed action will work while closing ticket.

I need a button to mark ticket as delivered.

First I’ll map button to under ticket. The important setting here is the Visibility State. Setting Visibility State as Paid will make this button to appear only ticket gets paid.

I want to place this button between Settle and Close buttons so I’ve re-ordered commands to place Deliver button somewhere between Settle and Close buttons.

Finally create a rule for Deliver button to execute Update Delivery Status as Delivered action.

That command will also Close Ticket.

###How it works

I don’t have Deliver button until ticket state becomes Paid.

When I settle ticket Deliver button appears. Ticket is fully paid but still not closed. For example I can add orders. I won’t cover these but of course you should handle such alterations according to your needs.

Clicking deliver button will mark ticket as closed and close ticket.