Issue with Adjust Order Price

Have an odd discrepancy on a couple of tickets using adjust order price action for deal.
One ticket the adjusted amount is wrong and another that has missed a pair of orders.

Could only find thesetwo with error, rest of tickets as expected.

Have I missed something?





@Jesse, any ideas on this one?

Hey man I’m sorry but my experience with that feature is limited. We will be releasing a new version soon probably next couple days. I can’t promise it’s fixed but we fixed a lot of things so many I’ve lost count.

This adjust order prices action has a strange quirk. If your printer template is set to ‘merge’ it can sometimes give the incorrect total, if it is set to ‘don’t merge’ the total is calculated correctly every time. It is not clear from the info you have provided what your set up is, but this may be worth checking.

Ive already raised that issue.
Thats what the number tag is doing. Applicable orders get a timestamp number to keep them unique and prevent merging on printing of applicable priducts without disabling merge all together.