Issue with data export report name

Found an issue on Data Exports feature. Tried to name a report “Time Clock CSV Export - TEST” and it obviously doesn’t like either the length or the " - TEST" part. No error when creating the report and saving with that name, but when I go to Reports > Data Export, it throws this error:

One odd thing though, after the error is thrown, SambaPOS doesn’t crash, just the reporting module stops working. I can go back to the main menu and use the system. If I go back to Reports (even after logout / login), the module still won’t work until I close and reopen SambaPOS. Not sure if this is a new “feature” ?

[General Info]

Application: SambaPOS
Version:     5.1.62
Region:      en
DB:          SQ
Machine:     SEAFISH-PC
User:        Seafish
Date:        04/04/2017
Time:        18:03

User Explanation:

Seafish said ""

[Exception Info 1]

Top-level Exception
Type:        System.ArgumentException
Message:     'Time_Clock_CSV_Export_-_TEST' is not a valid value for property 'Name'.
Source:      WindowsBase
Stack Trace: at System.Windows.DependencyObject.SetValueCommon(DependencyProperty dp, Object value, PropertyMetadata metadata, Boolean coerceWithDeferredReference, Boolean coerceWithCurrentValue, OperationType operationType, Boolean isInternal)
   at System.Windows.DependencyObject.SetValue(DependencyProperty dp, Object value)
   at Samba.Services.Common.SimpleReport.AddLink(String text) in C:\Users\Emre\Documents\GitHub\SambaPOSPro\Samba.Services\Common\SimpleReport.cs:line 154
   at Samba.Modules.BasicReports.ReportExplorerViewModel.<>c__DisplayClass70_0.<CreateDataExportScreen>b__0(String exportName) in C:\Users\Emre\Documents\GitHub\SambaPOSPro\Samba.Modules.BasicReports\ReportExplorerViewModel.cs:line 231
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.<>c__DisplayClass7_0`3.<CombineSelectors>b__0(TSource x)
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext()
   at Samba.Modules.BasicReports.ReportExplorerViewModel.CreateDataExportScreen() in C:\Users\Emre\Documents\GitHub\SambaPOSPro\Samba.Modules.BasicReports\ReportExplorerViewModel.cs:line 231
   at Samba.Modules.BasicReports.ReportExplorerViewModel.RefreshReport(String reportName) in C:\Users\Emre\Documents\GitHub\SambaPOSPro\Samba.Modules.BasicReports\ReportExplorerViewModel.cs:line 212


[Assembly Info]

mscorlib, Version=
Samba.Services, Version=
Samba.Domain, Version=
Samba.Infrastructure.Data, Version=
System.ComponentModel.Composition, Version=
Samba.Presentation.Services, Version=
System.Core, Version=
PresentationCore, Version=
DevExpress.Xpf.LayoutControl.v14.1, Version=
System.Xml, Version=
DevExpress.Xpf.Grid.v14.1, Version=
System, Version=
DevExpress.Xpf.Grid.v14.1.Core, Version=
WindowsBase, Version=
System.Xaml, Version=
PresentationFramework, Version=
Samba.Infrastructure, Version=
Microsoft.Practices.Prism, Version=
System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=
Microsoft.Practices.Prism.MefExtensions, Version=
DevExpress.Xpf.Core.v14.1, Version=
System.Windows.Forms, Version=
System.Drawing, Version=
Samba.Persistance, Version=
Stateless, Version=
PropertyTools, Version=2012.4.14.1
Samba.Localization, Version=
ReachFramework, Version=
EntityFramework, Version=
FluentValidation, Version=
Microsoft.CSharp, Version=
Omu.ValueInjecter, Version=
Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation, Version=


[System Info]

Operating System
-Microsoft Windows 10 Home
--CodeSet = 1252
--CSDVersion = 
--CurrentTimeZone = 60
--FreePhysicalMemory = 5161032
--OSArchitecture = 64-bit
--OSLanguage = 2057
--ServicePackMajorVersion = 0
--ServicePackMinorVersion = 0
--Version = 10.0.14393

--Manufacturer = Gigabyte Tecohnology Co., Ltd.
--Model = H61M-S2PV
--TotalPhysicalMemory = 8552415232
--UserName = Seafish-PC\Seafish


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