Issue with integrating GloriaFood to Sambapos

Hello, im having some trouble with setting up Samapos im currently following this tutorial
GloriaFood Integration

I did all the steps successfully and finally when i hit step 4.1 ( Sambapos Settings) When i download Sambain applicaiton and installed it, this is where the issue is when i run Sambain this is the error i get

Can anybody Help me with this please?

Do you have a license for gloriafood?

Yes i bought the Licence and activated Sambapos. i Also have a licence for gloriafood

Where did you download sambain from?

You are using SQL express right? Not CE?

Looks like you got a bad version of sambain. Hard to tell though.

I downloaded from this link
It was on the tutorial in SambaPos Docs. here Step 4.1

Im using SQL Server 2012 express and 2014

Could you point me to where i can download other versions of Sambain?

That’s correct version. Your on am older SQL express version. That may be why. I’m not sure.

How can you be on both 2012 and 2014?

Try downloading and installing it again. I use it daily in my restaurant but I’m using older version.

I might have copy I can send you. I’ll look.

I have both installed on this pc, i think it was Sambapos installation which installed them which one is the correct version? I will to uninstall both and install the correct version to see if that fixes it

That would be great. Thanks for all your input

You should install standalone SQL express. Download the latest from Microsoft and install it. You will need to connect Sambapos to it via the connection string.

Instructions for that can be found in

Thank you i will try these steps see if that fixes the problem.

I got Sambain to work Kendash, thanks for all your help just a small issue now since i deleted the old installation of sambapos and databases my licence is activated on there how can i deactivate my sambapos licence?

You can log into your account and reset your license key.

Thanks for the help, your diagnosis worked like a charm. I have it working :grin:

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