I've created an auto log out nightmare

Ive followed this post:

and created the actions and rules from QMckay’s posts but now im in a auto log out scenario that I cant fix! the timer is set to 5 sec and auto logs me out even from “Manage” screen. It logs out so quickly I cant even un-map the rule so I can extend the log out time!

What are my options?

Open the database using MSSMS then navigate to dbo.appRules and modify that rule. Change it from 5 to like 50 to give yourself enough time. I wouldn’t recommend deleting it from MSSMS.

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Where should it be in dbo.AppRules?

Right click dbo.AppRules and choose edit Top 200 rows… BE CAREFUL you are actually editing the database.

EDIT: Sorry told you wrong to edit the action inside the rule its dbo.ActionContainers

Thank You Kendash!

Got back in, I’ll have to ask QMckay what happened there…

Even with a 30 sec timer you don’t want the system to kick you out of Manage screen.

Thank you again.

You need to constrain it so it won’t execute when application screen is manage.