KDS no internet connection help

Hi, I followed the link below to install sambapos KDS on my tablet. but it always show no internet connection.


Below is my server setting:

photo_2023-09-15 12.19.22

Could someone help me please?

There is so much more than this involved. To be able to understand where your issue is we need to see each step. You have message server installed and running on port 9000, is the app setup properly in sambapos? Is the pda user setup properly? And is pda user assigned in the kdsadmin page? You do have internet access on the server right?

Thank you for your reply. I reset my internet. The KDS app can connect internet now.
But KDS shows “unauthorised request” now.
I checked all my steps but no sloved.

unauthorized means you didnt create the app in SambaPOS correctly Did you give the app the default permissions? The user has correct password? They match in kdsadmin and sambapos?

Thank you, I will check and try again

Hi Jesse, I tried again, I opened all permissions, but still unauthorized. And kdsadmin and sambapos are the same password,below are my setting:

  1. sambapos



  1. kdsadmin

3.Kds tablet

Ok so you can’t use the pin for that user. Just use a regular sambapos user.

Thank you for your reply. We solve this problem by changing a server


Hi , I have another question. KDS requires an internet connection ,or is it okey to only use an internal network?

It requires internet to connect to license server and to pull the configuration from the admin panel after that it works on internal network

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