Keeping Track of Occupancy

With restaurants opening up with some capacity restrictions, I thought I would whip up a simple head count tracker using adding and subtracting, as guests enter and leave.

Automation Commands (1 of 1)

Name: Occupancy
Category: (blank)
Button Header: Occupancy\r{SETTING:Occupancy}
Color: #FFAA3A37 (or your choice)
Font Size: 26
Confirmation: None
Values: (blank)
Mappings Tab
Mappings: * * * * * * Ticket

:information_source: You may want to sort Automation Commands to have this one on top.


1 of 2

Action Name: Occupancy-Automation command
Action Type: Execute Automation Command
Automation Command Name: Occupancy2
Command Value: [:command value]
Background: (blank)
Delay: (blank)


2 of 2

Action Name: Occupancy-Update Program Setting
Action Type: Update Program Setting
Setting Name: Occupancy
Setting Value: [:setting value]
Update Type: Update
Is Local: False


1 of 2

Rue Name: Occupancy Step 1
Event Name: Automation Command Executed
Execute Rule if: Matches
Automation Command Name: Equals Occupancy
Action: Occupancy-Automation Command
Constraint: (blank)
command value: [?Adjust Occupancy;;;OC;"+1","+2","+3","","-1","-2","-3"|"+4","+5","+6","","-4","-5","-6"|"+7","+8","+9",,"-7","-8","-9"]

Rule 2 of 2

Rue Name: Occupancy Step 2
Event Name: Automation Command Executed
Execute Rule if: Matches
Automation Command Name: Equals Occupancy2
Action: Occupancy-Update Program Setting
Constraint: (blank)
setting value: [=TN('{SETTING:Occupancy}')+([:CommandValue])] ]

