Kitchen db connectivity problem ---- Kitchen display

JohnS said:
Uninstall SambaPOS.Deleted the SambaSettings.txt file in C:\ProgramData\SAMBAPOS\SambaPOS4.Reinstall SambaPOS V4.1.17 and make sure you untick Compact SQL.Login, and go to Manage->Settings->Local Settings, and set Data Connection String to Data Source=localhost\SAMBAPOS3; User Id=sa; Password=sambapos; Database=Kitchen;

Save, exit and restart SambaPOS.
@JohnS i tried to follow this step but still receive the error message of connectivity for kitchen db

then i try by replacing the kitchen to sambapos4 it connects by givning error “message server not connectd” then i try to check the setting:

i receive this error message on clicking the meassaging server

i even try to change the port 8080 to 8383 still receive this meassge?

what to do ?