Hi good day to all of you, I’m not getting the order tags in my order chits when I key in order. This is my setup in order tags and in print jobs.
Kindly assist me please.
Please show the product group of the items you’re printing and the printer template for DA Fu Fa Label.
This is the printer template of the DA Fu Fa
SIZE 35 mm,25 mm
GAP 3 mm, 0 mm
TEXT 0,10,“2”,0,1,1,"{TIME}"
TEXT 170,10,“3”,0,1,1,"{TICKET NO}"
TEXT 1,45,“2”,0,1,1,"{NAME}"
TEXT 50,180,“2”,0,1,1,“CHE HOUSE”
TEXT 15,45,“2”,0,1,1,"{NAME}"
TEXT 170,10,“3”,0,1,1,"({ORDER INDEX}/{INDEX TOTAL})"
TEXT 0,75,“1”,0,1,1,"{ORDER TAG:Free Bean}.{ORDER TAG:Sugar}.{ORDER TAG:Red Bean}.{ORDER TAG:Black Bean}.{ORDER TAG:Brown Bean}.{ORDER TAG:freetag}"
TEXT 0,98,“1”,0,1,1,"{ORDER TAG:Free Bean 1}.{ORDER TAG:Bean}.{ORDER TAG:Grass Jelly}.{ORDER TAG:Durian}.{ORDER TAG:Attap Seed}.{ORDER TAG:Red Ruby}"
TEXT 0,123,“1”,0,1,1,"{ORDER TAG:Free Bean 2}.{ORDER TAG:Taro}.{ORDER TAG:Jelly}.{ORDER TAG:Nata De Coco}.{ORDER TAG:Tapioca Jelly}"
TEXT 0,143,“1”,0,1,1,"{ORDER TAG:Free Grass Jelly}.{ORDER TAG:Soya Bean}.{ORDER TAG:Black Soya Bean}.{ORDER TAG:Dau Fu Fa}.{ORDER TAG:Sago}"
TEXT 0,163,“1”,0,1,1,"{ORDER TAG:Free Dau Fu Fa}.{ORDER TAG:Jackfruit}.{ORDER TAG:Coconut}.{ORDER TAG:Mango}.{ORDER TAG:Ice Cream}"
– do not print voided orders
ii) For the order tags, in each of the tags has one product
I can’t comment on label printers since I don’t use them but you’re referencing your order tags wrong. You need to sort them above. You can’t sort them within the format section. Search the forum for sort order tags.
Your getting lines of … because it can’t reference the values for {ORDER TAG: … }
Also you’ll notice that for every . you have between those tags that’s all that’s printing.