Link certain department to certain terminals

Good day,
We have two restaurants and 4 terminals, i have combined all 4 terminals to work from one database, but i want to know is there some way that i can link restaurant A to show default restaurant a department and restaurant b to show restaurant b department by default.
because now the servers forget to change the department at restaurant B and then my whole cashups are a mess.

is it possible to do this?

I cant recall but I think there is an option in User settings where you choose default department or terminal.

yes, that’s the thing, our servers rotate between the two restaurants. so that’s not what i want to do, i just want restaurant B’s default screen to be department B. and restaurant A’s default screen must be department A

If you have multiple restaurants then you need to have two databases and two licenses. It is against the license terms to run two restaurants in one database. We are working on ways to link chain management right now Metrik allows you to see sales between multiple locations.

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I’m still using SambaPOS 4. i know there is no more support on V4. I just gave it a try… Can you create an action to ask a question like at what restaurant they are at Restaurant A or B and if they select for example Restaurant B that it automatically select the Restaurant B department?

Even with version 4 you are to have one restaurant per database. The paid module licenses in v4 are covered under that.

our menu’s and everything is the same, that’s why we want to use one database. it’s more for our inventory. that we can transfer stock between the two restaurants.

Right now stock transfer between multiple restaurants is not supported. But we are innovating all the time and chain management are future projects.

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I have managed to add all 4 terminals to one database even though 2 of the terminals are at a different location. and everything is working perfect.

That is not allowed. You must have separate license for two locations. It is against our terms of use to use a single license database across multiple locations.