Loyalty Points and Accounting

Yes sure - well if I have blank transactions as a result of when they use their points to get a free product - would there be nothing to print? I should mention nothing is shown on Work Period Report - very first place I checked.

It was not creating a blank transaction until you tried to rework the accounting.

We can modify it to show it. Work Period report by default is not setup for Points system.

It was always creating one - but let me check again. Ok see you post above, that was what I was to try today. The WP at the moment does show States of “Promotion”. Obviously been trying everything last night to get the Document to create 2 transactions so will need to reset back to basics. I would like to do this to see if a blank Transaction is created as it a rule must just reset “Value” to Zero and therefore when Samba closed the ticket is creates a blank.

You dont need to use accounting to gift things. You can use reports to report on it
 but using accounting creates a very complex system for no real reason. If you really want to use accounting for this then you should probably create a Loyalty Points Payment Type. Build accounting around that payment type just like you do Customer Payment types. Store the points as accounts just like Customer Accounts.

It would mirror the customer accounts system. You automate adding points into the accounts etc. Basically what your wanting to do is completely different than the tutorial you linked. You want to do something entirely different but it shares a similar name.

Just moved to my ipad, sorry, cleaners in my office.
I thought the gift process would leave a trail to report on but this implementation does not.
I will relook at “use points” rule to see what wipes the value

“Store the points as
” So you suggesting create a new entity and associated account?

But it does leave a trail to report on.

Yes if I use my new Action - create account transaction document

Actually not even thought to check the V5 default Gift automation to see what transactions are created!
Will do that also.

No every order with state of Promotion means points were used. We can report on this. We know how many points each item is worth its stored in product tags. We can use that in reports as well. We can build all kinds of reports about it.

I dont understand why your wanting to build accounting for gifted stuff
 Are you trying to track Markdowns or something? That can also be done without accounting.

(Back at my desk)
So I get products data - its there, but what data is created from the ticket? It must be my limited knowledge of the DB as I thought it must be the Ticket Transaction which is Blank.

Tracking is all based on “what is the value given away today?” We gave away $200 worth of product through Rewards

Yes must be dbo.Orders have not looked at the DB so may have been chasing ghosts again. Maybe a blank transaction is required to do the SQL call i.e. Ticket ID

Its blank because there is a ticket but there is no transactions.

So with these Tutorials above will they show examples of the different uses for a “Create Account Transaction” and “Create Account Transaction Document” - when creating actions UNDER “Action Types”?
Again I use the “Document” as when I used individual “Create Account Transaction” one after the other it blew SambaPOS.

Create Account Transaction is to be used with a ticket
 Tickets have documents already you saw that with the blank document. IF you do not have a ticket then you need to use Document. Every Transaction has to have a document either via ticket or Document from automation.

To make a transaction you have to move money
 your not moving any money your giving away items. If you want to track it like money then forget the tutorial you posted and build a new system using Payment Types. Store points as a type of money either via an entity or Custom data. Then build whole accounting around it.

Accounting helps you move money between accounts. The tutorial you linked has nothing to do with accounting and would not work with accounting its not meant to be used that way. You need to come up with something entirely different.

Ok - I tried this method because all our venues will have Points working for all Customers which is just another thing to be attached. I trying to limit (within reason) the number of Entities which related to a Customer. Using Custom Fields seemed to be a good idea :neutral_face:

I will play some more with reporting and decide whether to keep this implementation or not. The last bit was to convert Points to CASH into the Customer Account
 Now that will need accounting.

All that requires is some expression with automation using a customer account transaction.

I mean all you need to do is use an automation command and use an expression that gives Cash value to points available and use that ammount for the transaction. No special accounting needed.

My thoughts were similar -

Automation Yes on Settle Screen;
System Setting: say 250 Points = $1 [Customer.Points];
I was thinking “Account Transaction Document” not just a transaction?
Would there be a need to report the dollar value created?

Thats different than what I described. Your wanting to do it inside a ticket? If you do it inside a ticket then you use an Account Transaction. If you do it outside a ticket then you need to use a Transaction Document.

Tickets already have Documents so you do not create a Transaction document you just create a transaction. If your doing it from somewhere other than ticket then you need to create a transaction document.

Penny Dropped - Inside a ticket, when a Ticket is on the go, right? Gee that really hurt

Ok so I am using a Transaction Document inside a Ticket to get 2 journals, I assume that’s OK as I showed a Link above when emre show it to you. I will need to see if you In or Out lol

Umm , Nup its an Outee!

I dont remember seeing a link with emre showing it to me?