Market Module Database Tools: Save Database Tools Exports

It would be very cool if we could have an advanced upgrade to Database Tools market module…

Allow the Exports to save as a list format similar to how Database Backups are saved. We could name them specific packaged names like Age Verification System or Reverse Refund System or Discounts System.

I know you can still mess up state flows etc using this if your not sure what your doing… however thats true about it now. This would just add a convenience.

I am looking to use it for converting my system over to a modular approach. While I am redesigning it almost from scratch I am redoing my actions and rules to follow a more modular theme so I can break my system down into chunks like I mentioned above. I plan to use Database Tools Export to store my configurations so I can load them in on demand. .

What I am also requesting is a way to reverse the import… a way to unload it. And eventually a way to control this behavior with actions. I would use this as a way to simulate a KeyFlick operations to enable advanced functions and then disable them when key is flicked back.

Does this sound interesting enough or is there more efficient ways to accomplish this?