Menu Display Issue --- Category button not working properly

hi i have try to set and change the properties and find the error out but no luck. Well the issue is under kebab category i have three subcategory: Lamb,chicken,lamb & beef but when i click on lamb i see the lamb & beef scree.

i click on lamb but get to see lamb & beef and the sub category title along with a back button.

if i click on chicken i get to see the back button only!!

i have similar issue with beverages also?

Seeing only the Back button is normal when you are in the Sub Menu of a Category. Please post a screenshot of the Category Product Properties, showing the Sub Menu Tags. There must be some misconfiguration (typo) there. Also, post a screenshot of the Category properties…

i know back button is normal but in some it shows only back button and in some it shows the current sub category and the back button here is the menu propoerties

I guess the problem is having two categories that starts with Lamb word. Can you try changing Lamb or Lamb&Beefcategory names? For example you can try changing Lamb&Beef to Beef&Lamb

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if i change it to Beef & Lamb the problem will remain the same because i have beef also. will think of someother name and check

i have another issue also i have two category of beverages hot and cold. black tea item falls in both sub category. but when i click on menu i am unable to see the black tea in hot menu

y is this so? it shows separately like a new sub button

So do you want to break menu into two sub categories and display same item in both categories? This not possible atm.

When you type multiple sub tags that means sub category of a sub category. For example

Drinks > Alcoholic Drinks > Wines > Red > etc…

ok so this means i willhave to define black tea in both hot beverage and cold beverage separately

in addition to this can i define two product with same name…no issue with that right

You cannot have two products with the same name in the product list, but you can add the same product to the same category.

To add a product again to a category, double click the category to show available products and current category products, right click the left side and select show all products, and select the product again.