Messed up the Maintenance

Last night I did a bit on maintenance on my system as it was getting a bit sluggish. I deleted a few old menu categories then rebuilt the indexes and ran the Auto size function.

I started a new work period and tested a few things like adding products etc. Everything seemed ok.

The only thing I didn’t do was finalize the order by printing it.

Fast forward to this morning and upon printing a live order:

I’ve searched the forum, checked the print jobs and everything looks in order. Nothing comes up on the rule debugger so not sure what’s gone wrong.

I’ve restored from yesterday’s backup and we are back in the game.

Would deleting menu categories potentially cause this or would it be more likely the reindexing/auto sizing?

First what version of SambaPOS? Some cases of this was fixed with version update. Upgrade to latest SambaPOS. Second option is this can happen if you have a Rule and Execute Print Job action and that action has an invalid print job in it… Please look closely for this.

Third this can happen if you have a Payment Processor configured on a payment type and it is configured wrong. Try disabling any payment processors you may have put on a Payment Type.

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Hi Jesse, thanks for the reply.

I’m on the latest version 5.7.14

I’ll recheck the print job actions and rules again

No payment processor configured.

I’ll also try to do the things in steps to see if I can find out when it breaks. I’ll start with deleting the menu categories, then test.

Auto size (safely), then test.

Reindex, then test.

But I’ll do all this at the end of the work day, so about 4 hours.


Be careful with autosize
personally i keep them maxed. IT wont matter about speed unless you are low on space. If you shrink them too low the columns could not fit the data and cause issues.

Ok, maybe I’ll just skip the auto size, cheers.

I’ll report back later with an update :+1:

The usual culprit for this message Ticket changed. Your latest changes not saved. is that there is a rule with a print job action - and this action is referring to print job that doesn’t exist.

Name of print job has to be exact identical match within the action itself.

I’ve read that but I changed nothing around the print job area.

I deleted categories from the menu

I clicked auto resize (safely)

And reindexed, that’s it.


possibly had a bad index on a print job somewher.

Resize wouldnt cause that. All resize does is change size of columns for fields in the database. IE it uses less space for empty fields. But like i said be careful with it. If its too small for the data that needs to go in it… you can run into issues.

Yeah, who knows :woman_shrugging:.

I’ve abandoned the resize idea :+1:

Ran out of time today but everything is ok now.

I just want to add a comment here with my own opinion and experience as I don’t feel this feature should just be avoided, however best to be used by more experienced users who understand what it does - I have been using Autosize since it was introduced and have it applied on all the setups we have done and never had any issues with it generally. I think where issues arise is when people don’t know what it does and just click it and choose an option without much consideration. It saves unnecessary space in the database, and it also will have an impact on performance especially when a search is done against those columns in the database. I have noticed performance improvements on 4Gb RAM systems, probably less so on 8Gb RAM though as overall the software runs better on 8Gb RAM.

Anytime there isn’t enough space in a column, SambaPOS auto resizes that column again. This could be a little frustrating as it takes a moment and also does a backup, which can take a bit more time depending on how large your database is.

I have only seen this auto resizing on save happening within SambaPOS directly - so possibly issues that Jesse may be referring to is if a resize is required from MC3 or another integration, I am not sure if that would auto resize the column or fail (never came up against this).

The only time I ever saw an error occur when performing an autosize was when another terminal was being used when the operation was being carried out - it made SambaPOS crash when a ticket was saved. However ensuring all terminals are logged out (or software closed) should avoid that, and in the case I mention I just did Autosize again and it resolved the issue.

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