Multiple Payment with Receipt Format Approve need?

Hello all Leader, Sorry for asking a help again. I try many days to learn more configuration with samba Here is my problem that I still can not done :

<>. Round up and down with Foreign Currency but effect to default currency

-I have default currency as USD and have one foreign currency as Riel ( Cambodia ) 
-Exchange rate 1 $  = 4100 Riel 
-I have Two Payment type ( Cash USD ) and ( Cash Riel )

-it working fine if we received USD cash
-For Riel to make it Look good I make round up and down to payment processor by using discount and add service it working fine my problem is that it make USD up and down too.
Example :
Total : $ 1.60 = Riel 6560
—> the round will auto to R 6600 we can received with Rile and change as Normal it quite good look.
But when we print receipt it will show Total ($) become $ 1.61 and we also see it on report appear that this total is $ 1.61.
I want to round only Riel and don’t want it effect to USD.It mean all round amount up and down no need to store just round to make receipt is good look only. We need this round because want to show the correct value of Total to customer on receipt.

<>. . Showing Multiple Payment on Receipt

-Samba Working fine on payment screen we can accept multiple currency. My problem is that on the receipt I want to show the payment section and change with a specific Cash Received from customer.
Total : $ 1.60 we cash with USD $ 1 and it will remain $ 0.60
so we switch to Cash in Riel ( it will show R 2460 ) and then we Enter R 3000 change should work find.
**Problem is that on the receipt we can not format to show that how much they pay with USD and how much they pay in Riel **
Like this
Total : $ 1.60
Received : $ 1.00 + R 3000.00
Change : $ 00.00 + R 500.00

*** one more thing I try with PAYMENT TOTAL:USD Cash + PAYMENT TOTAL:Riel it work but While we Received Cash Two time ( First USD and then Rile ) the payment will show two time with change two.
Total : $ 1.60
Received : $ 1.00 + R 3000.00
Change : $ 00.00 + R 500.00
Received : $ 1.00 + R 3000.00
Change : $ 00.00 + R 500.00
Any way to make it only show one it only one time because like this it not correct.

<>. . Prevent IE ( Internet Explorer ) HRESULT Problem
While using Customer Display with Browser , it alert Request resource is in use it show many time per days. How to prevent this because it work normal event alert just click ok. But sometime Customer not feel good with this alert.

Thank you !

I have not read all details but it seem similar to this

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I am read it and follow @emre ready it effect to my default currency as I describe. my idea is that I can round it working but I not need it effect to default currency …

If it rounds 1 currency, it will round all currencies. You cannot choose to “not round” a certain currency when you round another. That makes no sense to do so.

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The rounding that is described on here happens at the moment you press a particular payment button. If you press a USD payment button, it will round based on USD. If you press a KHR payment button, it will round based on KHR.

Yes it round but is also effect to Default currency as I described.
@QMcKay Help give me any solution for my question.
-Receipt formart Multiple payment
-Fix IE problem
Thank for your kind .

All tickets are based on the default currency, so it applies a rounding in the default currency to give you a friendly number in the foreign currency.

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Yes the problem is that I don’t want that. if the price set to product $ 1.60 when it sale it should be see $ 1.60 on report no need to show $ 1.61 after we round R 6560 in KH Riel to R 6600 it look not good track money.

Then you need to change your report. Report of the total prices of items sold and don’t inlcude the rounding calcuation.

If you are rounding the foreign currency these is no way not to have the ticket total modified. But, you can choose what data you display, for example on your recipt, you can use a series of tags to show what the total was BEFORE the rounding.

For example you could do:


This would give you a large font subtotal (with the rounding removed) and then the rounding and final total amounts.

I am doing this off the top of my head, so I might have got some of the + and - the wrong way around, but it should give you the idea.