Multiple Screen Pop up message display

I am new to SambaPos and just love it. I have 3 devices (main server, 2 windows tablets) and want to display popup message to each screen.

Please guide me how to do that.

If person in the kitchen click on “Kitchen Order Ready” , I want to show a message on Waiter tablet to see a Popup message.

My broadcast message works only on 1 screen as Admin…BUT… How to make it work on Kitchen role tablet to Waiter role tablet?

Your issue is likely that samba doesn’t trigger rule from broadcast message while a ticket is open. This may be your issue.

Please see this image for ref. I am not sure if this helps. All I want to display broadcast message on Waiter tablet that FOOD IS READY when the chef tablet " Kitchen order ready" is clicked.

Don’t understand.
Your not showing your broadcast message action.
Would want to see the broadcast action and the message received rule. But like I said that you seem to have missed is I’m pretty sure message received a thon won’t fire while a ticket is open on the receiving device.

Yes, message received was missing, Thanks a lot for the pointer.