My tables have disappeared! Entities issue?

Hello everyone and everybody!! I am new to SambaPos and trying to configure everything to get started with this great tool. I have by mistake deleted ‘‘Tables’’ from entities and tried to get them back but can’t seem to figure out how. I think I have included most screenshots necessary for you all to get what my problem is.

Also, before this whole situation, the first window when I entered POS was actually my tables but now goes directly to an open order… Probably because I do not have any tables set up???

Please help!!


Could be but there is an option in the department settings for ticket creation method, default being select entity and another option being create ticket.
Create ticket taking straight to POS on login rather than entity screen.

As for entities, have you deleted them or just removed them from the entity screen?
Are they still in the list of entities?

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Here are the screenshots… my mistake not including them all!

Im guessing its because you have set the state filter to available on the entity list page of the entity screen settings.
Delete that to make field blank.


For the Tables Entity Screen configuration:

  • Set Display State to Status
  • Set State Filter to blank
  • If you want the Tables to be automatically displayed in a grid, set View Mode to Automatic

The View Modes of Custom and Layout require that you go into Design Mode on the Entity Screen itself, and manually add each Table as an Entity button. This is usually the way you would want to display Tables since you arrange their positions, sizes, and shapes.