Need help in KOT printing


how to remove top margin from KOT html template


<div style="font-family:Adobe_Arabic;text-align:left;font-weight:bold;font-size:24px;">
<C00>کڑاھی پرچی
<div style="font-family:Arial_Black;text-align:left;font-weight:bold;font-size:16px;">
<W00:*,*>Ticket No:{TICKET NO}|{DEPARTMENT}
<div style="font-family:Arial_Black;text-align:left;font-weight:bold;font-size:10px;">
<W00:*,*>[Table: {ENTITY NAME:Table}]|Service By:{TICKET TAG:FoodPanda Order No} {TICKET TAG:Waiter} {TICKET TAG:Waiter Take Away} {TICKET TAG:Rider}
<div style="font-family:Adobe_Arabic;text-align:left;font-weight:bold;font-size:20px;">
<W00:4, *>( {QUANTITY} )|{PORTION} {ITEM TAG:Urdu}
<J00>- {QUANTITY} {NAME}|**Void**

<div style="font-family:Arial_Black;text-align:left;font-weight:bold;font-size:10px;">
<J10>Order No:{ORDER NO}|Date:{TICKET DATE} ({TIME})

-- Format for order tags
<L00>     * {ORDER TAG NAME}

What printer are you using? Modifying of the amount of white space at the top of the ticket is often an adjustable printer setting.

Sir i am use Black Copper Thermal Receipt Printer 95AC and I am using it as HTML printer in SambaPOS

I have tried to find setting in Printer Properties etc but i could not get any setting related this issue

Check distance from printhead to cutter, may just be a mechanical margin.
The opposite of issue with tear off printers needing extra feed so bottom of page is past the tear blade.

ok i will check and sir can you tell me how can i print Terminal name on KOT print

Add this to your printer template {:CURRENTTERMINAL}

That looks like a generic alibaba printer that’s been white labeled. You can take a look at what settings are available in Printer Properties.

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