Need help with my Report

[Sales:5, 2, 2,1]
@{REPORT ORDER DETAILS:O.MenuItemName,O.ExactTotal.Sum.desc:(TT.Given=Yes):(ODI=True)}

{REPORT ORDER DETAILS:O.MenuItemName,O.Quantity.Sum.desc,O.ExactTotal.Sum.desc:(TT.Given=Yes):(ODI=True) and O.MenuItemName=“$1”}
{REPORT ORDER DETAILS:’ '+[O.PortionName],O.Quantity.Sum.desc,O.ExactTotal.Sum.desc:(TT.Given=Yes):(ODI=True) and O.MenuItemName=“$1”:2}

After updating My Samba this report has a Loop.

Please describe what you are trying to achieve. Please also update you post to put you exact report inside CODE tags within the forum. To do this use the three backticks ( ` ) then a line, then your pasted code.

What am trying to achieve is that I want to see which Items Sold have a Tag as YES based on TT.Given=Yes
Its working but somehow causing a loop

@{REPORT ORDER DETAILS:O.MenuItemName,O.ExactTotal.Sum.desc:(TT.Given=Yes):(ODI=True)}
>{REPORT ORDER DETAILS:O.MenuItemName,O.Quantity.Sum.desc,O.ExactTotal.Sum.desc:(TT.Given=Yes):(ODI=True) and O.MenuItemName="$1"}
{REPORT ORDER DETAILS:'     '+[O.PortionName],O.Quantity.Sum.desc,O.ExactTotal.Sum.desc:(TT.Given=Yes):(ODI=True) and O.MenuItemName="$1":2}

Pretty sure you need format/seperator part on your @ declaration…

Also Im guessing (TT.Given=Yes):(ODI=True) are both meant to be constraints so sould be (TT.Given=Yes) AND (ODI=True)

@{REPORT ORDER DETAILS:O.MenuItemName,O.ExactTotal.Sum.desc:(TT.Given=Yes) AND (ODI=True):{0}:,}

Thanks for the response, I have tried it and still no changes

What do you mean by liop?

When I sell 5 items, it will duplicate the same 5 items over and over

Try this

@{REPORT ORDER DETAILS:O.MenuItemName.asc,O.ExactTotal.Sum.desc:(TT.Given=Yes) AND (ODI=True):{0}:,}
>{REPORT ORDER DETAILS:O.MenuItemName,O.Quantity.Sum.desc,O.ExactTotal.Sum.desc:(TT.Given=Yes):(ODI=True) and O.MenuItemName="$1"}
{REPORT ORDER DETAILS:'     '+[O.PortionName],O.Quantity.Sum.desc,O.ExactTotal.Sum.desc:(TT.Given=Yes):(ODI=True) and O.MenuItemName="$1":2}

Hey… Sorry being offline, but I tried it and still duplicating.

Arr, you had the incorrect : colon in all lines, the Colin between your TT constraint and the ODI and menuitem constraint needs changing for and
What your doing is making it only report the TT constraint, the ODI and menuitem $1 are not being applied.

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